June 07
Saskatchewan Wheat
Pool completes acquisition of Agricore United
Agricore United
produces record second quarter
May 07
Saskatchewan Wheat
Pool succeeds in its bid for Agricore United
Agricore United
announces revised all-cash offer of C$20.50 per share from
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool
April 07
Agricore United
provides seed for western Canadian Foodgrains Bank growing
Agricore United
accepts revised all-cash bid of C$19.25 per share from James
Richardson International
Agricore United board
determines that revised Saskatchewan Wheat Pool offer is a
superior proposal
Agricore United
provides update on revised offer by Saskatchewan Wheat Pool
March 07
Agricore United
confirms improved first quarter results
February 07
Agricore United
and James Richardson International combine to create global
Agricore United
expects significant increase in first quarter EDITDA
Agricore United
rejects Saskatchewan Wheat Pool’s revised offer
January 07
Agricore United
finalizes acquisition of Saskatchewan crop input retailers
U.S. antitrust
review of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool hostile bid for Agricore
United extended
December 06
Agricore United expands
capacity in 'downstream' processing
Agricore United
acquires two crop input retailers in Saskatchewan
Agricore United Board
of Directors unanimously recommends that securityholders reject hostile
takeover bid by Saskatchewan Wheat Pool
November 06
Agricore United
increases 2006 net earnings by 64 percent to $21 million
Agricore United
advises shareholders to take no action to respond to hostile
offer from Saskatchewan Wheat Pool
Open letter
from Agricore United management to Agricore United customers
Agricore United
appoints special committee to evaluate hostile share-exchange
Agricore United
responds to Saskatchewan Wheat Pool announcement
September 06
Higher grain shipments
boost Agricore United third quarter profits
Agricore United
completes successful refinancing
August 06
Agricore United announces
winner of its 2006 Proven Seed Forage Offer grand prize
Agricore United closes
its acquisition of Hi-Pro Feeds
June 06
Agricore United sees
improved grain earnings in second quarter
May 06
Agricore United insures cash
flows from adverse weather
Agricore United accesses
exclusive Pioneer brand canola products
Federal budget provides
positive boost for Canadian agriculture, says Agricore United
March 06
Improved grain shipments
overshadowed by timing of crop input sales
February 06
Agricore United
adds extra value to forage producers
December 05
Agricore United
acquires Mattinson Farm Services
Agricore United
announces 2005 profit and improved cash flow
September 05
Agricore United's Crop
Production Services sales comeback continues in third quarter
July 05
New forage species
a hit in Western Canada
Gowan Canada selects Agricore United and UAP Canada be the distributors
of Avadex and Fortress herbicides
June 05
Survey shows that Canadian growers need to increase crop scouting
Agricore United's operating performance for fiscal 2005 improved across
all business segments
May 05
Agricore United and AgriPro sign long-term wheat development agreement
April 05
Agricore United provides seed for 25 Canadian foodgrains bank growing
March 05
Agricore United first
quarter sales reflect industry optimism
February 05
Agricore United
delegates set policy course
December 04
Agricore United faces
weather challenges and looks forward
November 04
Proven Seed Seed
Performance Promise PLUS, a 100 percent replacement guarantee for
proprietary forages, works for farmers
September 04
Agricore United invests
in functional foods and nutraceutical research
Agricore United grain
shipments lead third quarter
July 04
CMI Terminal Joint Venture
to develop full service crop production centre near Spalding,
June 04
Agricore United to construct
new dry edible bean processing facility in Carman, Manitoba
Agricore United's second
quarter continues positive trend
March 04
Agricore United first
quarter boosted by better grain shipments
February 04
Agricore United opens
contracts on top-rated premium wheat
January 04
Agricore United increases
future revenue stability
December 03
Agricore United
ends year on firm ground
September 03
Saskatchewan farmers
follow their Linola crop to Germany
June 03
Agricore United: improved moisture and crop input sales indicate
March 03
Agricore United strengthens
balance sheet and further lowers expenses
Agricore United announces
new Chairman and Executive Committee
Agricore United committed
to food safety accountability
February 03
Agricore United to
produce and market Ducks Unlimited Canada's native plant materials
Agricore United's farmer
delegates put forward views on a wide range of policy issues
January 03
Agricore United announces
change in listing name
December 02
Agricore United
completes restructuring of existing indebtedness
Agricore United merger
cushions impact of 2002 drought
Agricore United acquires
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool's interest in Pacific Elevators
September 02
Agricore United records
net profit in challenging environment
Agricore United
Financial extends repayment terms with fall credit program
July 02
Agricore United sells Trans
Canada crop production centre
June 02
Agricore United facilities
meet demanding quality standards
Agricore United achieves
merger synergies earlier than expected
April 02
Agricore United supports
Canadian Foodgrains Bank growing projects in 2002
Agricore United member
system unveiled
March 02
Agricore United offers
farmers identity-preserved program for Linola(TM) to capture strong
February 02
Growers expand market
opportunities with Agricore United's identity preserved programs
December 01
Agricore United
announces completion of public offering
Agricore United
releases results for UGG's first quarter
Agricore United
announces pricing of public offering
November 01
Agricore United
files preliminary prospectus
Agricore United
officially launched
July 01
Agricore and UGG
announce plan to form Agricore United
ValiGen and Agricore
form alliance to develop and market specialty canola products
Agricore and
American Cyanamid announce global technology agreement for CLEARFIELD
will continue buying genetically modified canola
July 99
Canada Inc. establishes collaboration with Agricore Inc.
April 99
buys Keystone Seedcoaters in Rivers, Manitoba