accessing an easy to use and free searchable database,
NVT Online,
Australian grain growers are now able to view independent trial
and variety reports on the performance of new and emerging crop
varieties. The database covers 10 winter field crops: wheat,
barley, triticale, oat, canola, lupin, lentils, field peas, faba
beans and chickpeas.
As Australian
grain growers prepare for another season, the new National
Variety Trials (NVT) program, is gearing up for its second
season, after completion of the first year of trials across what
now comprises an extensive national network.
NVT Online sites across Australia in 2005
In 2005 some 570 trials were
planted at more than 250 sites across Australia (from Dalby in
Queensland to Geraldton in Western Australia). These trials were
supported by plant-breeding companies and incorporated all the
newly released varieties that will be commercially available to
Australian growers in the 2006 season.
The NVT trials
are established and managed by contracted providers according to
strict protocols. An audit system is in place, ensuring that
trials are checked during the growing season. Harvest audits are
also conducted.
All NVT trial managers use a single
computer-based system that is able to facilitate the trial
management process (creating trials, producing field books and
labels) and well as store and manage data. Because there is only
one database, the data is centralised, in the same format and
more easily available and reportable to growers and advisors.
Data entered
into the NVT Online system is analysed by independent
biometricians for accuracy and the owners of seed varieties also
check results. Only when all the checks are complete is data
made public. Integrated mapping software also allows users to
search for results relevant to their growing area.
The aim is to keep the time between harvest
results being submitted and uploaded to the website to about
three weeks so advisors and growers can get results a lot faster
than they used to.
A key feature of
NVT Online is the ability to search for results relevant
to specific regions. Mapping software enables users to select a
site on a map and view results for that site.
As information
from harvests is entered and the data analysed by biometricians,
the database delivers a full range of data from trials right
across Australia. Users will be able to access information on
yield, protein and/or oil content, percentage screenings and
disease resistance. As well, there will be a range of management
and site specific information available such as chemical and
fertiliser use, sowing data, harvest dates and soil type and
Users enter the system through
By taking the link to NVT Online they will reach the
logon and registration screen:
Users are encouraged to register to access all
NVT Online functions and to receive emails notification when
new information is available.
The website has
been designed to make it as easy as possible for everyone to
NVT Online
is supported by the Australian Government and growers
through the
Grains Research & Development
and it is managed by the Australian Crop Accreditation System
Limited (ACAS). |