Physiological effects of strobilurin fungicides on
Efeitos fisiológicos de fungicidas do grupo das
estrobilurinas sobre plantas
by Wilson Story Venancio,
Marco Antônio Tavares Rodrigues, Edson Begliomini, and
Nilton Luiz de Souza (September 2009)
A strobilurin fungicide enhances the resistance of
tobacco against tobacco mosaic virus and Pseudomonas
syringae pv
by Stefan Herms, Kai
Seehaus, Harald Koehle, and Uwe Conrath (September 2009)
Bioregulatory effects of the fungicidal strobilurin
Kresoxim-methyl in wheat (Triticum aestivum)
K. Grossmann & G.
Retzlaff - Pesticide Science 1997
Increase nitrate reductase activity in leaf tissue after
application of the fungicide kresoxim-methyl
J. Gaab, W. M.
Kaiser - Planta 1999
Regulation of phytohormone levels, leaf senescence and
transpiration by the strobilurin kresoxim-methyl in
wheat (Triticum aestivum)
K. Grossmann, J.
Kwiatkowski & G. Caspar - Journal of Plant Physiology
Physiological effects of the strobilurin fungicide F 500
on plants
H. Köhle, K.
Grossmann, T. Jabs, M. Gerhard, W. Kaiser, J. Glaab, U.
Conrath, K. Seehaus & S. Herms
Anti-oxidative and anti-senescence effects of the
strobilurin pyraclostrobin in plants: a new strategy to
cope with environmental stress in cereals
T. Jabs, J. Pfirrmann, S. Schäfer, Y. X. Wu & A. v
Tiedemann - The BCPC Conference Pests & Diseases 2002
Physiological responses
Physiologische Einflüsse des neuen Getreidefungizides
Juwel auf die Ertragsbilgund
(Physiological effects of the new fungicide Juwel on
yield in cereals)
H. Köhle, K.
Grossmann, G. Retzlaff & A. Akers - Gesund Pflanzen 1997
Non-invasive online detection of nitric oxide from
plants and some other organisms by mass spectrometry
U. Conrath, G.
Amoroso, H. Köhle & D. Sültemeyer - The Plant Journal