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Oregon Wholesale Seed Co.
PO Box 885
Silverton, OR  97381

Tel: +1 (503) 874-8221
Fax: +1 (503) 873-8861


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Oregon Wholesale Seed Company is a 5th generation family-owned company located in the Willamette Valley in Silverton, Oregon. We currently offer contract production and sales of many species of seeds that are produced in our diverse area. Our family has been in the seed business for over 75 years, producing and marketing many different crops which has given us a broad range of experience in seed production.

We specialize in seed production of

  • Wildflowers,
  • Native forbs and grasses,
  • Cool season turf and forages
  • Limited vegetable seed, O.P. and Hybrid.

We offer Multiplication Seed Contracts and Spot Sales of these many different species of seed. We have provided production for site specific natives, unique varieties for specific customers, as well as large scale production of turf grass species.

We have the experience and facilities to be able to recommend and provide standard mixes that we have put together or provide Custom Blends and Mixes for your particular application to fit your particular needs.

We have provided some of our own collections and selections on many species and have provided many increases for other companies over the years. Our seed production ranges from a small garden size for multiplication  to several hundred acres of certain species for seed production. We have specialized in small acreage seed production that at times has been more difficult than the typical seed production of most commodity crops. The experience we have attained over the years from this production gives us the expertise to produce and process difficult products.

Working with our family facility in processing and packaging products provides us an efficient infrastructure to handle production from field to bag that most competition does not have available in our type of business.  It also allows us the opportunity to expedite products when needed with diverse specifications.

Over the years agriculture has gone through many changes and we have adapted by making great strides in working towards being more efficient, cost effective and competitive in the market place.

Our company offers years of experiences in production that gives us the expertise to work with the products we offer to produce and sell. We are not just a brokerage service that most companies offer; we have the experience of growing the products we offer.

Our goal at Oregon Wholesale Seed Company is to market agriculture products with value added. With our experience in knowledge and infrastructure we are able to cover this goal.

Our family has specialized in agriculture production business for over 100 years at this location which shows we are a well established, sound company. Working directly from the fields to our family’s facility helps keep us current on crop, market, quality, and shipping conditions to give you fast and accurate service, giving us a better knowledge of the products we offer.

Our facility has the ability to process, dry, package, blend and store your seed. We are always making changes as needed to accommodate our customer needs and to keep up with the new needs of tomorrow.

We are always learning new techniques by growing different varieties and species of plants keeping an open mind to try new and innovative ideas to enhance the production of the seeds we grow.

Let us provide your next blend, mix or separate species purchase or multiply your seed needs through production and establish that long term relationship that comes with time and trust.

Our sister company Silver Falls Seed Company offers small seed packages for resale and more information about our seeds at

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