The University of Adelaide wheat breeding
program has undergone a significant change, and is now part of
Australian Grain Technologies P/L, an incorporated joint venture between
the University of Adelaide,
State Government of South Australia (through
SARDI) and
AGT is an innovative grain breeding
company building on the century old traditions and achievements of South
Australia's Wait and Roseworthy wheat breeding programs and Victoria's,
Horsham program. AGT is committed to releasing only well-adapted
varieties offering superior combinations of agronomic yield and grain
quality characteristics.
The company has been restructured to
react quickly to market trends as well as to consumer and grower demands
for new products, while maintaining the traditional high standards
demanded of Australian cereal breeding. Our formation and operations are
evidence of Australia's on-going commitment to quality improvement
through market-focused grain breeding and to retaining the nation's
pre-eminent position in world grain production and quality.
While AGT is based in SA, it has
important operational nodes in Victoria and WA along with a network of
experimental sites extending throughout the grain growing regions of
Australia. The company has direct access to genetic material developed
through the previous public wheat breeding programs in SA and Victoria.
This ensures continuity of more than 100 years of selection and genetic
improvement by Australia's dedicated plant breeding community.
The company's aims are:
- To build a world-leading wheat
breeding program
- Breeding of new varieties with
higher yields and quality characteristics that meet market
- Developments in biotechnology,
pathology and improved quality evaluation methods.
- Research and Development in plant
breeding related disciplines, including biotechnology, agronomy,
physiology, biometrics, pathology, biochemistry aimed at improving
the productivity and quality of the Australian Grains Industry.
The Australian grains industry can be
proud of its productivity increases in the past decade. AGT plans to
build on this so that growers and out cereals and cereal products can
become increasingly competitive in the world trade. Our team of
experienced cereal breeders is combining the latest developments in
plant breeding and genetic technologies with traditional plant-breeding
principles. The result will be the development of superior quality
varieties faster.
The company's commercial focus means
its success depends on its ability to meet the demands of growers and
their markets. Consequently, growers and other grains industry players
will have a major influence on AGT's direction and breeding policies
through their decisions about what varieties they will, or will not
grow, and the quality types AGT targets. |
AGT Seeds
SunPrime Seeds Pty Ltd, trading as AGT Seeds, is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Australian Grain Technologies (AGT). AGT Seeds, through
its' parent company AGT, is closely linked with the Grains Research and
Development Corporation (GRDC), South Australian Research and
Development Institute (SARDI), GrainCorp, The University of Sydney
and The University of Adelaide.
The AGT-SunPrime genetic portfolio
includes the former Roseworthy and Waite breeding programs in South
Australia, the Victorian DPI program at Horsham and the well known "Sun"
varieties from the Narrabri Plant Breeding Institute as well as material
from our own wholly owned subsidiary company SunPrime Research and
Development based at Tamworth in NSW. Our breeding footprint covers
Australia and we aim to produce better varieties faster.
Our mission is to supply Australian
farmers with high quality seed lines at a reasonable cost.
Most AGT Seed varieties are under Plant
Breeders Rights with royalties being directed back to breeding projects,
to continue the search for better varieties for all Australian
producers. |