SemBioSys Genetics Inc.
SemBioSys Genetics, Inc.
#110, 2985 - 23rd Avenue
N.E.Calgary, AB T1Y7L3


Tel: +1
(403) 250-5424
Fax: +1
(403) 250-3886
Web site:

SemBioSys Genetics Inc. is a privately held biotechnology company focused on the development of high-value protein and oilbody-based products using its proprietary oilbody-based technology - the Stratosome™ Biologics System. Spun out of the University of Calgary in 1996, the company’s investors include Bay City Capital, Dow AgroSciences Canada, Inc., Ventures West Management Inc., BDC Venture Capital, University Technologies International Inc., RBC Capital Partners and Maurice Moloney Ph.D. scientific founder and chief scientific officer. In addition to these investors, SemBioSys has received repayable contributions of CAD$5.5MM from Technology Partnerships Canada, an agency of Industry Canada, and CAD$4.9MM from AVAC Ltd.


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