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Hybrid zucchini squash

Dividend is a hybrid zucchini squash with multiple virus tolerance, including Zucchini Yellow Mosaic virus, that makes it the perfect complement to Spineless Beauty.

Commercial plantings in the Midwest, Southeast, and winter production areas have proven Dividend's ability to outperform competing varieties in cooler temperatures with improved fruit length and quality, especially under virus pressure.

This variety's vigorous, medium to large sized open bush is easy to harvest, and its uniform fruit have translated into high packouts.

Approximate maturity

45-48 days
Average length 7.5-8.5 inches
Average bulb diameter 1.5-1.75 inches
Shape Slightly tapered
Fruit color Medium green
Plant type Vigorous, open bush. Medium to large plant size
Disease resistance or tolerance ZYMV

Dividend.jpg (6179 bytes)

Copyright Novartis Seeds.
Any copying without the express written permission of Novartis is strictly prohibited.

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Seed of this variety may be purchased by commercial growers from authorized Rogers® brand VIP dealers.

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