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Quality cantaloupe

Sol Real has performed particularly well in recent trials in the main season in the San Joaquin Valley and in Central America.

Thanks to a strong vine, the fruit of this variety made good size (mostly 12's), were highly uniform with few culls, and developed a strong net under hot temperatures typical of the main season.

The interiors of Sol Real's fruit were excellent with a firm, dark orange flesh, tight cavities, and excellent sugars. Because of these qualities, this variety continues to receive serious attention from shippers and packers.


79 days
Average length 6 inches
Average width 5.5 inches
Average size Mostly 12s, with a few 15s
Shape Slightly oval
Suture Sutureless
Exterior netting Raised, medium ropey. good net density.
Interior Dark orange color. Very tight cavity.
resistance or
F0 & 2,
PM1 & 2,

SolReal.jpg (5907 bytes)

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Seed of this variety may be purchased by commercial growers from authorized
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