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Millionaire F1

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An acclaimed performer, Millionaire is the preferred choice east and west.

This triploid (3N) watermelon, developed by Harris Moran plant breeders, is an excellent shipper with a thick rind and firm, solid flesh. Millionaire has proven to be a consistent top performer in many public and private trials often leading the pack in yield and shipping quality.
  • Main season maturity
  • 15-20 lb relative weight
  • Light green rind with a dark green stripe
  • Red flesh, solid and firm
  • Tolerant to Anthracnose

Millionaire has performed around the world, from hot, dry desert areas to humid subtropical regions.

Visit Harris Moran at

  • High yields
  • Freedom from hollow heart
  • Thick rind for good shipping
  • High soluble solids
  • Exceptional stand establishment

There are many reasons to grow Millionaire: uniform size, great yield, and high quality flavor.Growers note that Millionaire is superior to other triploid varieties with regard to seedling vigor and stand establishment.

Millionaire provides exceptional yields when compared to competitive varieties. This, along with very low incidence of hollow heart, insures a high packout of quality fruit that is right for your customers.


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