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Sugar Bowl F1 Eastern melon

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SugarBowl.jpg (9049 bytes)A super sweet specialty melon for eastern markets.

You have never tasted anything like Sugar Bowl. These melons are high in sugar content and are extraordinarily sweet and flavorful. With a unique bouquet, its flesh is bright orange and very thick with a small cavity. Slightly oval, Sugar Bowl has uniform size and netting with distinctive green sutures.

Sugar Bowl can be used successfully in different areas. This very vigorous plant has high tolerance to Powdery Mildew and tolerance to all 3 races of Fusarium Wilt. Yields are high for Sugar Bowl. Recommended especially for growers who want to offer a unique high quality product to their customers.

Sugar Bowl is the top choice for roadside growers and suppliers of gourmet restaurants and fancy stores.
  • 2-4 lb average weight
  • Slightly oval shape
  • Outstanding eating quality
  • Appearance with consumer appeal
  • Vigorous plant
  • High yield potential
  • Excellent disease tolerance:
  • Tolerant to one or more races of Powdery Mildew
  • Resistant to races 0, 1 and 2 of Fusarium

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