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Star Fire F1 Eastern melon

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Concentrated, high yields for the mid-early slot.

Growers choose Star Fire because it grows vigorously and produces high concentrated yields.

Its uniform production and good eating qualities make Star Fire an excellent choice for roadside and middle distance shipping operations.

Star Fire cantaloupe is an eastern melon that is adapted to the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions. Yields are high and very concentrated, allowing for reduced harvests and labor costs. Star Fire’s vigorous vines provide good foliage cover and carry tolerances to
Powdery Mildew and Fusarium races 0 & 2.  The fruit is moderately sutured. Dense netting provides good holding and shipping ability. Star
Fire’s bright orange flesh is firm and thick with a moderate seed cavity.
Star Fire is the choice for growers and consumers looking for quality in an Eastern type.
  • Mid-early maturity
  • 5-7 lb average weight (2.3 - 3.2 kg)
  • Round shape
  • Attractive, moderately sutured rind
  • Orange flesh
  • Concentrated set reduces
  • High yields under stress
  • Great holding and shipping
  • Excellent disease tolerance:
  • Tolerant to one or more races of Powdery Mildew
  • Tolerant to races 0 and 2 of Fusarium

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