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Oro Rico F1 Western melon

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OroRico.jpg (8012 bytes)Very sweet, firm and crisp flesh for superior shipping and eating quality.

Oro Rico is an exciting new main season cantaloupe from Harris Moran. This extremely high quality melon has performed exceptionally in California and Arizona.

Oro Rico is a full-netted, western shipper with exceptionally high yields. The flesh is very firm and crisp, resulting in superior shipping characteristics. The interior color is deep orange with a very well defined rind contrast. Soluble solids are consistently very high, even under stress conditions.

This variety has shown tolerance to Powdery Mildew and resistance to Fusarium (races 0 & 2).

  • Main season
  • Melon count: 12-18
  • Sutureless ring, with medium coarse net,
  • Uniform size & round shape
  • Deep orange flesh
  • Fast net formation
  • Excellent shipping quality
  • Early color formation
  • Exceptional yields
  • Resistant to races 0 and 2 of Fusarium
  • Tolerant to one or more races of Powdery Mildew

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