In only 74 days, Sweet Magic
produces consistent, refined ears with good fill and excellent eating quality. A strong performer at planting, Sweet Magic can provide good stand establishment which can translate into top early yields. Trials with growers and universities have demonstrated very consistent performance. Sweet Magic produces uniformly sized ears with excellent refinement, nice high count rowing and strong fill. Husks appear fancy and provide good cover that will loosen with maturity. Extra sweet flavor and a fresh, crisp texture provide customer satisfaction and builds repeat business. |
Sweet Magic is widely adapted and
has good stand establishment potential. Its a great choice to get started right!
Isolate from other endosperm types. Either switch to 100% sh2, maintain 250 from field corn and other endosperm types (use physical barriers and prevailing winds to decrease this distance) or time planting so pollen shedding occurs at least 10 days apart. |
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