Sugar Ace is a unique 85-day yellow
corn developed from a select array of genes available for higher sugar levels. Sugar Ace has a distinctive quality in the field and in the pack. Sugar Ace is adaptable to a wide range of environmental conditions and has been a top yielder in all regions. Sugar Ace has the quality and flexibility to fit both se and sh2 markets. Classified as a synergistic variety, this hybrid fills market slots for all major endosperm types. Sugar Ace is ideal for early planting in cold soils, unlike sh2 hybrids. Attractive appearance and plenty of dark green flags have increased on-sight demand for this variety. |
Sugar Ace rivals homozygous se
hybrids for eating quality but without the production problems. Sugar Ace has good
emergence, resists stress better and is great for mechanical picking.
Isolate from sh2 and field corn. Synergistic varieties can be planted with su, se and Sweet Breed varieties, but will develop best flavor if grown separately. |
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