Silver Dollar has all the
attributes of true growers corn with a broad range of disease tolerances, stand
establishment and a vigorous hybrid plant that starts quick and keeps going, adding yield
potential to a refined, attractive and sweet product. Silver Dollar is a strong and consistent performer under tough conditions for extra security in your pack and confidence in your production. Maturing in 76 days, Silver Dollar provides a refined look, good ear size and sweet flavor. Its plant is dark green in color, clean and lodge resistant. The ear picks easy, reducing harvest labor, and has strong fill with good refinement. |
With dark green husk and nice
flags, Silver Dollar shines in the field and at the market. With a strong combination of
Moderate resistances to Northern Corn Leaf Blight, Maise Dwarf Mosaic and Stewarts
Wilt, Silver Dollar is the new standard for solid performance.
Isolate from other endosperm types. Either switch to 100% sh2, maintain 250 from field corn and other endosperm types (use physical barriers and prevailing winds to decrease this distance) or time planting so pollen shedding occurs at least 10 days apart. |
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