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One of the earliest bicolor sh2 with the look and taste that promises brisk sales


Harris Moran’s new bicolor supersweet matures an attractive ear with sweet flavor while main season varieties are still on the stalk. Fantasy’s
ears have a slight taper, refined kernels, good color contrast and strong tip fill. The husk
package is appealing, with a constant green color and nice decorative flags. Fantasy has sweet crisp kernels that don’t go flat when cooked.

Fantasy matures in 69 days with good stand establishment and is great for your first plantings. Yields are high and pack easy. Fantasy has longer
shelf life and less handling damage than other endosperm types, and is great for shipping and cold storage.
Plants are relatively short, resist lodging and hold ears 20” inches from the ground for easy pick by hand or machine. Get to the
market first and deliver top ear and eating quality with Fantasy.
  • Relative maturity: 69 days
  • Plant height: 68"
  • Ear height: 20"
  • Ear size:  7"-8"
  • Row count:14-16
  • Very early maturity
  • High yields
  • Sweet flavor and crisp
  • Refined ear and nice husk
  • Short plants resist lodging

Isolate from other endosperm types. Either switch to 100% sh2, maintain 250’ from field corn and other endosperm types (use physical barriers and prevailing winds to decrease this distance) or time planting so pollen shedding occurs at least 10 days apart.


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