February 2006
Sweet corn breeding at
Moran means developing a variety of better solutions for you.
We know that this means making your crop easier to grow and more productive.
One way we do this is by developing new varieties that
incorporate multiple disease resistance, or MDR.
You will find that our MDR varieties combine
all the features you expect in a top quality Harris Moran hybrid (yield, ear and husk
quality) with superior levels of disease resistances.
Harris Moran
sweet corn varieties |
To earn the MDR
distinction, Harris Moran sweet corn varieties must have at least one full resistances and
one moderate resistance to important sweet corn diseases.Many of our MDR
varieties carry levels of resistance to three of these diseases or more.
MDR varieties offer you solutions, help control your costs, and help insure
productive crops.
Better varieties and
better solutions:
Harris Moran
sweet corn |