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Professional Seed Research, Inc.
The Stalk Rot of Corn

Professional Seed Research, Inc. announces a new series of CD and printed material on Corn Disease Concepts. Each of the 6 volumes will be presented in a form and language for non-technical and technical readers. Discussions will integrate research information with 30 years of personal experience with diseases of corn, varying corn genetics and a broad range of environments.

Volume 1, Stalk Rot of Corn, is especially appropriate because of the widespread occurrence this season. The presentation discusses the basic causes of stalk rot, how to evaluate fields and hybrids when the problem occurs, and solutions. Experimental evidence of the relationship among yield potential, stresses and stalk rot are presented. Guidance is given for analysis of causes of stalk rot, essential to making good decisions on hybrids and cultural conditions for the next season.

The Stalk Rot of Corn volume includes 20 color photographs and numerous tables and charts. 

An example is available on the PSR, Inc. home page:

All volumes are copyrighted by Professional Seed Research, Inc.
Contact Professional Seed Research, Inc. by telephone (630-466-1060) or email for more information.

Professional Seed Research, Inc. (PSR, Inc.) is a family owned company started in 1987. PSR, Inc. offers seed quality and purity testing, disease resistance evaluations, and special corn breeding services to the seed industry. PSR, Inc.¹s proprietary Seedling Morphology Fingerprinting methods allow more accurate and less expensive applications to purity testing and backcrossing of corn.

More details of services can be found at .


Seedling growout® technology by PSR, Inc. can allow rapidly obtaining near homozygosity inbred from hybrid  F2 seed, broad based populations or narrow based populations. PSR, Inc.¹s knowledge of basic heterotic groups also allows selection for genetic families. Seedling screening permits searching through a large number of plants for those with distinctive genetic family characteristics and other indicators of homozygosity. Selected S1
seed derived from narrow based populations by Rapid Inbreeding® are homozygous enough for making test crosses. PSR, Inc. offers three options to apply this system to commercial breeding programs.

Option 1

PSR, Inc. selects and selfs near inbred plants from your population on a fee basis. You send the population to PSR, Inc by December and PSR, Inc. returns the selected S1 seed in early April for summer production of hybrids.

Option 2

PSR, Inc. Selects and returns near inbred lines from a companies population for 25% of commercial royalties derived from a successful inbred among the selections. This assumes that the company will make and test appropriate hybrid crosses and aggressively promote any good inbreds. Progress is monitored with sharing yield trial results with PSR, Inc.

Option 3

PSR, Inc. selects near inbred lines from populations created by PSR, Inc. The cooperating company makes test crosses and conducts tests and licenses any successful inbreds sharing 50% of royalty income with PSR, Inc. Progress is monitored by sharing yield trial results with PSR, Inc.

Each of the options can be varied. For example, a company can decide to transplant the seedling selections in Hawaii, selfing the selection and making test cross hybrids at the same time. This allows having hybrid test results 1 year after producing the population. Give us a call to search how the Rapid Inbreeding® program could be useful in your research.

For more information, please contact
Professional Seed Research, Inc.

Visit our web site.

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