of INCOTEC Special for the onion growers in the American North East
This year again,
onion growers in Quebec and Ontario, were able to appreciate the
performance of the INCOTEC Special priming.
Despite very poor planting and growing conditions (too dry at the
beginning, then too wet and cold), onion growers were still able to get an
early stand establishment resulting in a good uniform stand.
is the commercial name for
INCOTEC's priming. This
technique improves the germination behavior of the seed.
It results in
faster and more uniform germination over a broader range of temperature.
has been introduced to the
N-E onion growers in 1999. From a few acres of trials last year, it
increased to a few thousand acres in 2000. The consistent performance of
has demonstrated to the growers the benefits of using
primed seed.
The faster and more uniform germination of
primed onion seed surprised quite a few growers.
They realized
afterward that you do have to change your cultural practices if you want
to maximize the benefits of planting primed seed.
Most onion growers have indicated already
that for next year they will order their onion seed pelleted (INCOTEC
118), encrusted (OnX) or
film coated (Vision) with the INCOTEC
Written in 2000