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INCOTEC America do Sul Ltda., the newest INCOTEC facility, was inaugurated on January 28 in Holambra, Brazil. 

The ceremony was attended by Mr. Antonio Marino Brandão de Alemeida,  Mayor of the Municipality of Holambra,  Alejandro Rodriguez-Graue (President, Seminis Vegetable Seeds), Jan Willem Breukink (General Manager, Incotec Worldwide), Henk Satter (General Manager, Incotec Brasil), and more than 150 distinguished guests, including many INCOTEC customers.

INCOTEC had started exploring the South American markets in the mid-eighties with trials organised together with the Christians Family, today known as NIKITA Seeds & Plants, located in Holambra Brazil. In the early nineties, these trials resulted in commercial productions for Brazil, and later also for Chile and Argentina. The market for lettuce and tobacco grew rapidly in the following years and the volumes to be shipped from Brazil to Holland and vice versa increased significantly. 

As a result, Incotec had to make a decision on whether to continue production from Holland or to invest in new facilities in South America. Our customers'  increasing concerns about the complex shipping procedures, long waiting times at customs, and - last but not least - delivery time, made our decision easier: Incotec had to start a new operation in South America.

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