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INCOTEC sponsors a section of SeedQuest  focused entirely on
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Biological control: start of a healthy crop

During the early nineties INCOTEC started a research program on Biological seed treatment.

Increasing environmental consciousness and a changing legislation with respect to the application of pesticides has caused a call for more environmental friendly solutions.

More and more biological control agents are becoming available, which can be mixed with soil, added to seeds or seedlings etc. With today’s state-of-the art technology, it also becomes possible to adhere biologicals directly to the seed, a far more elegant way. The agent is after all placed where it will be most effective: near the emerging seedling.

A basic principle of this research project is that INCOTEC will not be a producer of biological agents.

Incotec’s core business in this respect is to combine living seeds with a living antagonist.

The specific know-how of producing these antagonists will be left to the companies who are specialized in these technologies. INCOTEC, however, does have close contacts with these producers of biologicals. Very close cooperation with BioWorks, Inc, producer of a unique Trichoderma strain, even resulted in an exclusive agreement for this agent for application on Sweet Corn.


The introduction of DISCO Care is the first major achievement in a series of new products to come. This new film coat formulation enables seed companies/growers all around the world to coat their (Super) Sweet Corn with this beneficial microorganism Trichoderma. When coating your seeds with this product a precise dosage of Trichoderma, combined with chemical crop protection agents, is evenly applied to the seed

About Trichoderma

Trichoderma is one of the first EPA-registered biofungicides.

The Trichoderma will colonize the roots of the corn plant just after germination and together they will form a symbiosis. Both the Trichoderma and the corn plant benefit from this co-operation. The Trichoderma retrieves nutrients leaching from the corn roots.

The fungus releases growth regulators that enhance and stimulate root branching of the corn plant to grow faster and more vigorously. Trichoderma promotes the development of a larger and healthier root system. This increased root mass results in a higher nutrient uptake and will, therefore, result in higher yields.

Moreover Trichoderma protects the root system against soil pathogens, like Pythium, Fusarium, Scleroctinia and Rhizoctonia. Trichoderma won’t control Phytophtora. Trichoderma is compatible with a broad spectrum of regular chemical crop protection agents.

Trichoderma cannot improve already-optimal growing conditions. However, it might not be suitable for all growers in all conditions, but especially on less fertile soils, the growth stimulating effect is apparent.

Trichoderma has particularly proven to be very beneficial under dry conditions.

Developing New Biological Seed Treatments

Developing new seed treatments with biologicals is not that simple. Not all biological agents are just suitable for seed treatment. To make the seed treatment process feasible, the particle size of the material containing the spores of the agent should be very small. Furthermore a high CFU count is needed (CFU = Colony Forming Unit) and the material can not be contaminated with other microorganisms. For long term survival the biological also needs to be desiccation-tolerant.

Extensive research and selection of the right antagonist is needed to come to a new biological seed treatment. A number of tests are available at Incotec to enable us to come to the most efficient combination of seed, biological and application method. We strive after all for a product with the most optimal field performance.

Tests that are used during the research phase include:

  • CFU count:

By standard dilution plating of the used formulation, the number of colony forming units can easily be determined. We analyze this before and after the coating process. In this way we can measure the survival of the biological during our coating process. With this test we can also examine the shelf life of the biological agent after it is coated on the seeds.

  • Bioassay:

Biological treated seeds are sown on an artificially pathogen infested soil (for example Pythium). The plantlets which are well colonized by the biological will grow nicely whereas the plantlets without a biological have a higher chance to die. In this way we can determine the efficacy of a biological to control certain soil borne pathogens.

  • Root colonization tests:

Plants are grown in the greenhouse on specific potting mixtures. After a certain period the roots are harvested and almost all the potting mix is removed. With dilution plating the amount of spores (cfu’s) can be determined per gram of root tissue. The cfu count gives you information about the ability of a biological to grow with the root system. Besides this quantitative test we also can test the presence of the biological on the roots by putting different parts of the roots on plate.

  • Compatibility tests:

For biological seed treatments it is very important to know which pesticides are compatible with the beneficial microorganism coated on the seeds. Using in vitro growth tests we can determine which pesticides can be used in combination with biologicals.

  • Coating trials:

Biologicals are living organisms that are very vulnerable, even when they are in a dry quiescent state. During the coating process the spores are physiologically activated because of the presence of water. After the coating process the treated seeds are dried, including the spores. They are returned into their dry quiescent state. By optimization of the coating process the viability of the spores can be maintained on a very high level.

Finally our biological seed treatment is tested in the greenhouse and in field trials. Yield measurements are made to analyze the economical value of our biological seed treatment.

With the introduction of Trichoderma on (Super) Sweet Corn being a fact, our research priorities are pointed towards new crops and new biologicals. We will be prepared for the future.

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