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July 24, 2023

Italia - Smartseeds, tracciabilità della filiera sementie (L'Informatore Agrario)

April 20, 2023

India - Agriculture minister launches SATHI portal and mobile app for seed traceability (AgriculturePost)

June 3, 2021

VegTrace, trazabilidad desde la semilla para la seguridad alimentaria - Nuevo sistema de Geslive que integra a siete grandes empresas de semillas (La Vox de Almería)

August 28, 2019

Agritech startup CropIn to work with Punjab government for seed potato traceability (TechCircle)

July 31, 2019

Punjab to introduce seed potato tracebility and certification using blockchain technology (PotatoPro)

May 3, 2019

Grain Discovery and the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association pilot next generation of food traceability - This first-of-its-kind pilot used blockchain to follow Certified soybean seed through production and processing, ending with fresh-packed tofu on store shelves

March 28, 2019

La tracciabilità del cibo parte dal seme per il 91% degli italiani - Assosementi, il 30% della soia in Italia non è garantita (Agenzia ANSA)

February 4, 2019

Supply chain integrity and blockchain company Security Matters advances agricultural seed integrity technology towards commercialisation (Small Caps)

November 29, 2018

Food traceability - After successful tests in Vietnam, Auchan Retail is launching blockchain technology internationally

February 28, 2018

New graphene laser technique opens door for edible electronics

September 13, 2017

Oritain provides cotton industry with compelling traceability solution - New technology gives cotton and textile industry  scientific traceability solution 

April 26, 2016

Anserlog SA, de una empresa almeriense - Primer sistema mundial que controla las hortalizas desde origen a su destino (HortoInfo)

September 10, 2015

Food's fingerprint reveals many secrets
Vingerafdruk van voedsel: geeft veel geheimen prijs

August 16, 2015

Technology quickly traces source of tainted food

September 13, 2013

Verify Brand delivers new tools for chemical supply chain security - Advanced serialization, traceability and authentication software, the Verify platform, provides greater security to manufacturers and distributors of pesticides and other chemicals

June 11, 2012

Traceability benefits can extend far beyond better recall capabilities (Logistics Viewpoints)

May 2, 2012

Researchers showcase 'easy' GM tracking technology (Food Navigator)

February 7, 2006

Tracking food products from farm to the fork

November 17, 2005

Identity preservation options from traceability software: TraceTracker and XSInc join forces to demonstrate a practical solution for traceability

October 21, 2005

Naturland presents web-based traceability for organic products

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