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Identification of acyanogenic forage sorghum by a combination of biochemical screening and TILLING

March 3, 2012

Source: ISB News Report - February 2012

by Cecilia Blomstedt

The ability of transgenic plants to produce PHB was first demonstrated about 20 years ago, and since that time at least 11 additional species of plants have been successfully engineered to do so. PHB can potentially partially replace petroleum-based plastics and it has other compelling advantages, including biodegradability and possibly a neutral carbon footprint. Recent work in our labs has focused on expanding the range of PHB-producing plants to include poplar (Populus). We have attempted to minimize the deleterious effects of PHB production on plant vigor by engineering plants in which the genes for biosynthesis of PHB remain silent until expression is induced by addition of a chemical agent.


More solutions from:
    . ISB News Report
    . Virginia Tech

Website: http://www.isb.vt.edu

Published: March 3, 2012

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