Maintaining the highest degree of quality second to
none, is our number one priority.
investments in high technology
equipment is an important parameter in the
process of maintaining a uniform and high
product quality. |
ISO 9001:2000 Certification
In January
1997 Vikima Seed became the first seed company in
Denmark to be certified according to the ISO quality
management system.
Today we are certified according to ISO 9001:2000.
Field work
Top quality
seed production depends heavily on the cooperation
the grower and the seed production company. Vikima Seed
work with more than 500 top professional growers in
Denmark, Sweden and France. Throughout the growing
period, the growers are assisted, supervised and
monitored by our own highly qualified and experienced
Seed Production Advisers.
Cleaning and processing
At the main
factory in Holeby, Denmark, Vikima Seed operate a state
of the art production facility - the best of its kind
worldwide - for cleaning, colour sorting, drying,
sizing, treatment and packing of seeds. The facility is
under complete computer control and is operated by
highly trained and skilled staff.
Purity tests are carried
out at our own inhouse laboratory. Germination tests are
done by an external ISTA acreditted laboratory under the
Danish Ministry of Agriculture. |