The role
of molecular markers and marker assisted selection in breeding for
organic agriculture
E. T. Lammerts van Bueren, G. Backes,
H. de Vriend and H. Østergård
Euphytica, April 2010
Directory for Organic Cotton and Organic Cotton Products
One quarter of all insecticides and one tenth of all pesticides are
applied to conventionally grown cotton. This directory promotes
sustainable alternatives as it connects all links of the worldwide
cotton chain from growers to gins, mills, manufacturers and
retailers. First compiled by PANNA and now expanded and maintained
by PAN Germany, the directory provides information on organic
certification, cotton production and retail outlets in a wide range
of countries.
Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk e.V. (PAN Germany), Nernstweg 32, D -
22765 Hamburg, phone (49 40) 399 19 10-0, fax (49 40) 390 75 20,
Sustainable Cotton Project
Includes information on three separate tracks for growers,
manufacturers and consumers of sustainably produced cotton.
Provides growers with information and cost comparisons for
Integrated Pest Management and the BASIC program (Biological
Agriculture Systems In Cotton), manufacturers with information about
the Cleaner Cotton Campaign, which seeks to boost markets for
organic and sustainable cotton, and consumers with the "10 Good
Reasons Campaign," which promotes fair trade, organic and
sustainable cotton clothes. Also offers a comprehensive list of web
resources for more information.
Sustainable Cotton Project, P.O. Box 363, Davis, CA 95617, phone (530)
756-8518 Ext 34, fax (530) 756-7857, email
Proceedings 04 Cotton: A European Conference on Developing the
Organic Cotton Market, 2004
PAN Germany in cooperation with PAN UK and L'Organisation Beninoise
pour la Promotion de l'Agriculture Biologique (OBEPAB).
Includes a complete listing of events and transcripts from plenary
and workshop presentations, the final conference declaration and a
list of participants. Also includes a CD with the recorded
proceedings. 142 pages. $10.90 Euros.
PAN Germany, Cotton Connection, Alexandra Baier and Norbert
Reintjes, Nernstweg 32, 22765 Hamburg, Germany OR PAN UK, Simon
Ferrigno, Eurolink Centre, 49 Effra Road, London SW2 1 BZ UK, phone
(44 20) 7065-0915, fax (44 20) 7065-0907, email,
Agrarian Dreams: The Paradox of Organic Farming in California
2004 Julie Guthman
This comprehensive study considers the complexities of organic
farming in California. The author refutes the popular portrayal of
organic agriculture as a small-scale, family-farm endeavor in
opposition to "industrial" agriculture. Argues that large-scale
organic farming has replicated what it set out to oppose.
250 pages. $21.95. Contact University of California Press,
California-Princeton Fulfillment Services, 1445 Lower Ferry Road,
Ewing, NJ 08618; phone (800) 777-4726; fax (800) 999-1958; website;
The Conquest of Bread: 150 Years of Agribusiness in California
2004 Richard A. Walker
Offers an overview of industrial farming in California. Shows how a
persistent emphasis on productivity and growth allowed California
agricultural production to outpace developments elsewhere in the
United States. Details how California's landscape and Mediterranean
climate have been manipulated to serve a production model that
exploits an army of farm workers who live and work under dismal
380 pages. $27.95.
Contact The New Press, 38 Greene Street, 4th floor, New York, NY
10013; phone (800) 233-4830; fax (212) 629-8617; website;
The Organic Guide to San Francisco
2002 Community Action Publications (CAP).
Includes sources for organic food, wine, clothes, products, and
services, including restaurants, health food stores, specialty
stores, farmer's markets, CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)
farms that supply subscribers with baskets of farm-fresh food,
nurseries, "wet" (not dry) cleaners, less-toxic pest control, mail
order products, and more. Also offers useful information about
pesticides, organics, biodynamics, community gardens, what's in
season, and the City of San Francisco pesticide reduction program.
108 pages. $11.25.
Contact Patricia Dines, Community Action Publication, 708
Gravenstein Hwy N Suite 104-WM, Sebastopol, CA 95472; phone (707)
829-2999; website; email
The Organic Guide to Sonoma, Napa,& Mendocino Counties
2002 Community Action Publications (CAP)
The first section of this Guide provides information about organics,
small farms and community gardens, and effective consumer actions to
support them. The second section offers the author's favorite places
to find delicious organic food, wines and more in Sonoma, Napa and
Mendocino. The last section brings together resources on these
topics, an indexed list and map.
120 pages. $11.25.
Contact Patricia Dines, Community Action Publication, 708
Gravenstein Hwy N Suite 104-W, Sebastopol, CA 95472; phone (707)
829-2999; website; email
2005 Organic Directory California Certified Organic Farmers
he 2005 CCOF Organic Directory is a comprehensive listing of all
CCOF Certified Clients and CCOF certified producers as well as the
crops, products, services and apprenticeship opportunities they
136 pages. $13.00
1115 Mission Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060; fax (831) 423-4528;