Biological Research and Development
The innovation of LABKEY and the recognized
expertise of the Doriane consulting team coordinate the
strengths of 3 players in your research and development.
Research department: with advanced
technical functions for breeders, agronomists, researchers …
Recognized Doriane’s technical excellence
in trials network and experiments, genotype inventory,
breeding, genealogy, molecular marking, quality
analysis, research data mining, assisted decision making
Analysis tools routinely accessible :
molecular marking, statistical analysis, multivariate
analysis & graphics, decision-making tools
LABKEY™ fits with every breeding scheme
for field crops as well as for vegetables or forages. It
is already used by breeding companies for creating
lines, hybrids and populations, for breeding and
registration process, development and pre-sales
LABKEY™ tracks the entire chain of
Biology Research Department processes from molecular
markers to product development, including inventories,
crosses, selection, pathology, testing, and quality
Management: for valorization and
durability of research investment
Easy to use for small teams as well as
large research departments with users spread over wide
distance stations or laboratories
Storage & protection of methods
Easy training which reduce the time
needed to integrate new employee or new activity
Doriane’s experience of 24 years devoted
to management of biological experiments which guaranty
the durability of investment
Global cost effective system due to
standard software
IT Department: with Industrial
platform for the efficiency and security of your research
information system
Sustained high level consulting LABKEY
integration and user support
Administration data base independent from
production data base
No programming only requires high level
customization to fit specific business rules.
Data tracking and security by accurate
control of user access to data
Standard IT platform