Cal/West Seeds is a
member-owned cooperative with over 80 years of combined experience in
cooperative seed production and marketing. Formed in 1969, Cal/West is
now the largest of its kind in the United States with several hundred seed-grower members. Cal/West Seeds' professional research, production and
marketing is the basis for their worldwide leadership in the forage industry.
Contract Production
Cal/West provides contract production of clover, alfalfa,
safflower and sunflower varieties for customers around the
world. Whatever the market, the goal remains the same:
provide the very finest in seed quality, packaged with care
and delivered according to each customer's exact
Seed Testing Services
We offer purity and germination testing in our Woodland seed
lab for a wide range of species ranging from vegetables to
Binary vector; transformation; Cal/West Seeds is seeking
alliances with technology partners to bring value added
traits to alfalfa, clover and safflower.
Contract Research
Northern Hemisphere nursery, purity grow outs, yield trials,
seed enhancement product testing.