Donald P. Wertman
American Seed Trade Association (2003/2004)
Born in 1946,
Don grew up in then rural
Lehigh County,
Pennsylvania. Anticipating a farming career, he studied
agriculture and served as President of the
Parkland and Bucks-LeMont area FFA Chapters. He was elected to National Honor
Society, awarded the Keystone Farmer degree and received the
DeKalb Agriculture Award.
Acquiring the
family farm in 1964, Don engaged in general farming until the
fall of 1966 when he accepted a production position with Seem
Seed Farms in Emmaus, Pennsylvania. There he learned
seedsmanship from Ben and Joe Seem who were leaders in Northeast
hybrid field corn development and production, as well as field
seed production and certification. Don became General Manager
of Seems in 1972 and Vice President in 1974 when Seedway Inc
acquired the operation.
Moving to Hall
New York in 1978, Don was named Executive Vice President where he
managed sales, seed accumulation, and led the corporate
acquisition program.
Agway Inc.
acquired Seedway in 1987, when Don was named CEO. The business
expanded rapidly during the 90’s and the company became a major
Northeastern farm and turf seed marketer. In 1993, Agway
integrated its vegetable seed business into Seedway under Don’s
leadership. Today Seedway is acknowledged as one of the major
vegetable seed marketers in the Eastern United States.
Seedway was
acquired by GROWMARK,
Illinois, in 2002. As Chief Operating Officer, Don now manages
all of GROWMARK’s eastern seed operations, which includes
Seedway Inc. and FS Seeds East. He also serves as Chairman of
Allied Seed LLC,
Always active
in seed industry activities, Don served as President of the
Pennsylvania and New York State Seed Associations, the New York
Seed Improvement Cooperative, The Field Seed Institute, The
Western Seed Association, and the Atlantic Seedsman’s
Association. He was named Seedsman of the year by the
Atlantic in 2001.
participated in the inaugural ASTA Management Academy at Purdue
in 1988 and the ASTA Executive Management Forum in 2002.
Don is
Chairman of the American Seed Trade Association for 2003/2004.
His other ASTA activities have included Chairing the Small
Grains Committee, the 1988 Farm Seed Conference and the Farm
Seed Division, a three year term as Eastern Region Vice
President, Chair of the Invasive Species Working Group, and
Chair of the Membership and Governance Committees.
Don is an
ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church in Geneva, New York
where he sings in Choir. He served two terms as Chairman of the
Geneva General Hospital and Finger Lakes Health Board of
Trustees, and continues to serve as a member of the
Administration Committee.
Don and his
wife Chris, a music and primary educator, were married in
1971. Their daughter, Roberta, is a third year law student at
New York University. |