F. J. "Chip"
Executive Director
California Crop Improvement Association
F.J. (Chip)
Sundstrom began his career as a faculty member in the
Department of Horticulture at Louisiana State University (LSU).
There he
directed teaching and research programs focused on stand
establishment and
seed dormancy issues of vegetable crops. After 10 years at LSU,
he was
hired as Research and Development and Quality Assurance Director
INCOTEC, a seed technology division of the Royal Sluis Seed
Company. Following his tenure there, he was employed as
Executive Director
of the California Crop Improvement Association (CCIA). In the
past nine
years, CCIA has developed a number of new quality assurance
services for
the agricultural industry. One of CCIA's newest services is
certification and CCIA is now a USDA accredited organic
certifier. Chip
currently serves as chair of the American Seed Trade Association
Seed Working Group. |