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December 15-15, 2010

Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Laws Workshop

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CropLife Asia

Beijing, China

December 14-15, 2010

The 5th International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture

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Amman, Jordan

- Registration of plant varieties and plant breeder's rights. - Patent rights in the production of seeds. - Patent rights of pesticides.

December 14-14, 2010

Workshop on seed production and seed saving

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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Jacobs Farm - Port Morant, St Thomas, Jamaica

Targeted at small farmers.

December 8-8, 2010

DBV-Fachausschusses für Saatgutfragen

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Deutscher Bauernverband

Reinhardtstraßen-Höfe, Saal 2A - Berlin, Germany

10.30 bis 15.30 Uhr

November 8, 2010 - December 12, 2010

DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE - Introduction to the UPOV System of Plant Variety Protection under the UPOV Convention

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International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)

Online - , Switzerland

The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the UPOV system of plant variety protection under the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. The course comprises 11 modules.

December 18-18, 2010

Workshop: 'Seed Production for the 21st Century"

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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Durgas Farm - St Ann , Jamaica

Targeted at commercal farmers.

December 16-16, 2010

Workshop on seed production and seed saving

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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Ministry of Agriculture's Bodles Research Station - St Catherine, Jamaica

Targeted at small farmers.

December 6-17, 2010

Curso de Introdução ao Uso de Marcadores Moleculares: Teoria e Prática

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia - Brasilia, Brazil

Profissionais, pesquisadores e estudantes de pós-graduação envolvidos na pesquisa dos recursos genéticos e áreas afins, como o melhoramento genético vegetal, animal e microbiano, o controle biológico, a prospecção biotecnológica.

December 1-3, 2010

I Congresso Paraibano de Agroecologia e IV Fórum sobre o registro profissional do agroecólogo

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Convento Ipuarana - Lagoa Seca, PB, Brazil

O Objetivo geral do evento é promover o amplo debate entre agricultores, técnicos, professores, pesquisadores e alunos acerca da diversidade de saberes e práticas agroecológicas.










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