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Landmark Seed Company releases Southeast, first "survival type" tall fescue

September,  2001

Landmark Seed Company is excited to release Southeast tall fescue, the first "Survival Type"™ tall fescue for home lawns, commercial turf, parks and playgrounds, golf course roughs, sprots fields, road sides, airfields, slopes and waterway stabilization, hydroseeding, lawncare and sod production.

Southeast is the first tall fescue release from Dr. Ronny Duncan and the University of Georgia breeding/genetics program. It has enhanced performance and persistence for use in Southern US conditions. "We have spent 9 years developing a turf type tall fescue that is more adapted to the South. Southeast was developed in Georgia and is the most persistent commercial cultivar adapted to high heat, extended drought and heavy clay soils", stated Dr. R.R. Duncan, University of Georgia plant breeder.

Dr. Robert Carrow, who worked with Dr. Duncan on the Southeast program at UGA, added: "Southeast tall fescue will give the South a favorable option over Kentucky 31 and the more fragile turf-type tall fescues. Southeast has superior drought resistance that will handle water restrictions and maintain turf cover under harsh conditions, while providing a good turf-type stand when water and other inputs are available."

Unlike other tall fescues, Southeast was developed in the South to survive in the South. Certified seed is available for fall 2001 seedings.

Landmark Seed Company is a leading producer and merketer of quality turfgrasses and native species and is the exclusive producer and marketer of Southeast tall fescue.

Company news release

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