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Mid-West Seed Services, Inc. hires four new seed technologists

December 26,  2001

Mid-West Seed Services, Inc. of Brookings, South Dakota is pleased to announce the addition of four new staff members to our seed-testing laboratory over the past six months.

Calvin Gellatly joined MWSS in August as a Seed Technologist in the Corn Laboratory. Calvin received a BS in Animal Science from South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD and a BS in Biology from Northern Ste University in Aberdeen, SD. Calvin’s responsibilities at MWSS include conducting germination and cold tests on corn.

Laura Harr joined MWSS in July as a Seed Technologist in the Soybean Laboratory. Laura received an Associates Degree in Agri-Business in May of 2001 from Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown, SD. Her responsibilities include conducting herbicide, germination, vigor, purity and TZ tests on soybeans.

Brenda Johnson joined MWSS in November as a Technologist in the DNA Laboratory. She received her BS in Biology from Methodist College in Fayetteville, NC, her MS in from Texas A&M at Kingsville, TX and her Doctorate in Elementary Education from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD. Brenda has several years of experience in DNA extraction and electrophoresis. Brenda’s duties at MWSS include extracting DNA and protein from seed and plant tissues, and assisting with the ELISA testing program.

Melissa Simpson joined MWSS in August as a Seed Technologist in the Corn Laboratory. Melissa received her AAS Degree in Crops and Soils Science at the University of Minnesota/Crookston in 1991 and her BS in Plant and Animal Systems from the University of Minnesota/St. Paul in 1999. She has experience in standard germination, vigor, analysis of physical traits, ELISA and isozyme electrophoresis. Her duties at MWSS include conducting germination and cold tests on corn.

Mid-West Seed Services, Inc. is an independent seed testing laboratory that also offers quality consulting and contract research services. We specialize in germination, vigor, Bt corn, GMO (ELISA, PCR, and bioassays), purity, and herbicide trait testing. We test a wide range of species including: corn, soybeans, alfalfa, canola, cotton, rice, sorghum, sunflowers, cereals, grasses, native species, flowers, and vegetables. Professional diagnostic service with fast turn-around time is always our goal. Visit our website at

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