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Dairyland Seed introduces HybriForce™-400 hybrid alfalfa

West Bend, Wisconsin
March 6,  2001

After more than two decades of research and development, Dairyland Seed will release HybriForce-400™ hybrid alfalfa to the marketplace for the 2001 growing season.

"Our investment in research has paid off with one of the most significant advancements in
seed research since the introduction of hybrid corn," says Tom Strachota, chief executive
officer of Dairyland Seed. "In 1998, a University of Wisconsin study reported that there had
been little or no genetic gain for alfalfa yield in the last 17 years. Hybrid alfalfa will change that
and will have long-term benefits to the agricultural producer." 

Field research trials indicate that HybriForce-400™ hybrid alfalfa has increased vigor and
stronger plants compared to non-hybrid alfalfa varieties. "We have noted more aggressive
growth of the hybrid alfalfa stand with yields that are 8 percent to 15 percent higher over the life
of the stand," says Dr. Paul Sun, vice president of research for Dairyland Seed. "We believe
that a significant reason for the increased yield is the increased vigor of the hybrid alfalfa plant.
Our research has noted that the plant greens up earlier, and shows more vigorous regrowth
after cutting." 

Dr. Sun and his team of scientists at Dairyland Seed's Clinton, Wis., research facility have
been trying to unlock the yield potential of alfalfa through hybridization for 24 years. Their efforts
have focused on the development of female (ms, or male sterile) plants. The new patented
technology, called msSunstra™, represents the culmination of these efforts. "For more than 24
years, we have worked to identify special female and male plants so we could control pollen
flow. With current alfalfa, bees randomly spread pollen and cause inbreeding. With hybrids, by
controlling pollen, we capture additional vigor which is expressed as 8 percent to 15 percent
more yield." Sun says. "The plants also can take more management abuse and provide
farmers greater cutting flexibility with less risk of stand loss when harvesting high quality

Dairyland Seed's HybriForce-400™ hybrid alfalfa will be marketed this year in limited
quantities. "This is a tremendous advancement for our research and for our alfalfa products,"
Strachota says. "We have invested many years of research to bring the most productive
products to the marketplace." 

HybriForce-400™ hybrid alfalfa joins a growing list of seed innovations in alfalfa from
Dairyland Seed. Magnum V alfalfa has established itself as one of the premier alfalfa product
on the market. In state trials, Magnum V has consistently proven itself as one of the best
yielding products on the market, finishing first or not significantly different than first in 84
percent of the state trials it has been entered in across the country. 

In addition to HybriForce-400™ hybrid alfalfa, Dairyland Seed will also license the patented
msSunstra™ hybrid alfalfa technology to other seed companies. Expect additional hybrid
alfalfa varieties for the 2002 growing season to be announced from those companies who
access the msSunstra technology. 

"Our elite products are backed by more than 30 years of solid research," Strachota says.
"Growers have always been able to count on Dairyland Seed for superior performing alfalfa

Dairyland Seed Co., Inc., is a family owned seed company with research programs in alfalfa,
soybeans and hybrid corn. Its breeding programs, established in 1962, includes company
breeding and nursery facilities in Clinton, Wis., Gibson City, Ill., Otterbein, Ind., Gilbert, Iowa,
and Sloughhouse, Cal. Dairyland Seed also owns and operates an alfalfa seed conditioning
facility in Homedale, Idaho.

Company news release


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