West Bend, Wisconsin
JULY 5, 2000
Dairyland Seed recently announced the release of 10 new soybean varieties for the 2001 planting season. Each of these varieties can be seen at research tours and field days through the Midwest this fall.
This 0.7 maturity soybean offers very good iron chlorosis tolerance. DSR-075/RR matures a couple days earlier than DSR-091/RR. It is slightly taller and is a recommended product for those iron chlorotic soils.
DSR-090 Maturity 0.9
DSR-090 has phytophthora resistance (Rps1c) and a very good iron chlorosis score. Outyields Pioneer varieties P9071, P9092, P91B01and Novartis S12-22 (although 2 days earlier) in research trials. Very good standability.
DSR-130/RR Maturity 1.3
DSR-130/RR features very high yields, outdistancing Pioneer P91B02/RR, CX150/RR, S14-M7/RR, and ST0990-4 in research trials. Medium plant type with good standability and strong top end yields. Features moderate resistance to brown stem rot.
DSR-228/RR Maturity 2.3
DSR-228/RR is a yield leader in our research trials outdistancing A2301/RR, A2401/RR, Pioneer varieties P92B51/RR, P92B71/RR and ST2506-4/RR. It features very good iron chlorosis and phythopthora root rot tolerance as well as moderate BSR resistance. DSR-228/RR
features good standability.
DSR-232/RR Maturity 2.3
DSR-232/RR carries moderate cyst nematode resistance, good iron chlorosis, and shows excellent performance in the western Corn Belt. It is currently outyielding A2301/RR, A2401/RR, Pioneer P92B72/RR and P92B51/RR. A soybean with excellent standability well adapted to
narrow rows. Moderately tolerant to both iron chlorosis and SDS.
DSR-243 Maturity 2.4
DSR-243 shows strong yields and excellent east-to-west yield performance. It is considered a racehorse variety by our research staff, outshining A2704, A2247, Pioneer P9233, CX232, and S24-92. DSR-243 has excellent standability and very good adaptability for both wide and
narrow rows. Highly recommended for your top end yield environments.
DSR-254/RR Maturity 2.5
DSR-254/RR features cyst nematode resistance in addition to strong yields. It does particularly well in our Illinois, Indiana and Ohio sales areas outyielding A2301/RR, A2401/RR, Pioneer varieties P92B51/RR, P92B71/RR and Stine 2254/RR. A full plant type with excellent standability, it has excellent PRR tolerance and very good white mold tolerance.
DSR-272/RR Maturity 2.7
DSR-272/RR has shown excellent. It matures the same as DSR-293/RR and is showing a slight yield advantage. It is also outyielding A2301/RR, A2401/RR and A2702/RR, P92B51/RR, P92B71/RRr and Stine 2254/RR.
DSR-299/STS Maturity 3.0
DSR-299/STS features outstanding yields as well as tolerance to DuPont's STS herbicides. It replaces DSR-314/STS with more consistent top end yield potential and the 1k PRR gene. It features excellent standability and is a very attractive soybean. It is outperforming Asgrow A2702/RR, A3404, A3204, A2833, and Pioneer 9281.
DSR-357/RR Maturity 3.6
DSR-357/RR shows excellent top end yields as well as strong performance in stress situations. Currently outdistancing Asgrow A3502/RR and A3701/RR by as much as 16% in research trials. Also outyielding Pioneer P93B51/RR and Stine ST3264/RR. A full plant type with very good tolerance to PRR and BSR.
DSR-371/STS Maturity 3.7
DSR-371/STS matures one day earlier than DSR-370/STS and has a 1 bu/a. yield advantage. A medium bushy plant type, it is outyielding A3404 by 2.4 bu/a. and shows very good brown stem rot tolerance.
DSR-377 Maturity 3.8
DSR-377 is derived from DSR-317 with higher yields and easier harvest. It has very strong agronomics -- excellent standability and emergence, very good BSR and PRR tolerance and moderate resistance to SDS. Outdistancing Asgrow A3834 and A3704 in research trials as well as Pioneer variety P9362. A full plant type soybean, DSR-377 shows the same type of overall soil adaptability as DSR-317.
DSR-395/RR Maturity 3.9
DSR-395/RR features very strong Corn Belt yield potential. It features moderate resistance to SCN, resistance to BSR, very good tolerance to phytophthora root rot, and moderate tolerance to SDS. DSR-395/RR stands very well with a medium-full canopy. Its yield record is excellent, outyielding A3701/RR, A4101/RR, and P94B01/RR.
Founded in 1907 in St. Kilian, WI, Dairyland Seed Co, inc. is the only family-held seed company that conducts proprietary plant breeding programs in hybrid corn, soybeans and alfalfa. In addition
to the West Bend, WI, headquarters, there are breeding and nursery facilities in Gibson City, IL;
Otterbein, IN; Clinton, WI; Gilbert, IA; Sloughouse, CA; as well as winter sites in the southern U.S., Hawaii, Mexico and South America.
Company news release
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