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Kura clover: a new legume that provides unique opportunities for forage-livestock systems

November,  2001

by Kenneth A. Albrecht, Francisco Mouriño and Daniel M. Schaefer

Kura clover (Trifolium ambiguum M. Bieb.) is a relatively new forage legume in North America that has potential to be a major component of forage-livestock industries in the north central USA. Kura clover is native to southeastern Europe and western Asia and grows naturally in habitats ranging from poorly drained valley bottoms to mountain meadows at elevations greater than 10,000 feet. Although it apparently has not been domesticated in its native region, it is a highly regarded component of grazed natural grasslands. Introduced into the USA in 1911, commercial development of kura clover was limited by ineffective nodulation, seed production difficulties, and poor seedling vigor.

Rhizobia capable of effectively nodulating kura clover have been identified and are now available through several commercial sources. Although seed production difficulties such as low and inconsistent seed yields and difficult threshing still are problems, a handful of seedsmen are now producing kura clover seed and it is commercially available from several sources within the USA. Seedling vigor is still a problem, but we now have guidelines that will allow us to maximize chances for successful establishment.

Our experience with kura clover is still quite limited, but we have over the last several years gained some appreciation for the adaptation, management, and productivity of this new legume. Our knowledge about kura clover will expand and recommendations for management of this crop will be refined over the next several decades, but I will outline some of what we know about it now.


Kura clover is widely adapted to the temperate regions of the world and has performed especially well in the cooler temperate regions. It is known to survive very dry conditions and is more productive than white clover in the dry highlands of New Zealand. In Wisconsin we have observed that kura clover tends to go dormant sooner than alfalfa in response to drought. So, although the plant persists through dry periods, productivity is depressed. Stands of kura clover approaching 23 years old exist in Minnesota and in Wisconsin 11 year old stands show no signs of decline. Furthermore, kura clover grown on the poorly drained soils near Marshfield, WI is in excellent condition after 6 years. Based on our observations and the literature, it seems that kura clover soil pH and fertility requirements are similar to red clover, i.e. it will do well under conditions that are less than optimal for alfalfa. We conclude that kura clover is persistent and productive in the north central states on most agriculturally useful soils.


The characteristic that makes kura clover unique among the forage legumes adapted to the north central states is its massive rhizome (underground stem) system. The underground mass (rhizomes and roots) of a mature stand of kura clover has been reported to be as high as nine tons per acre. Kura cover persistence is probably associated with the rhizome system having large numbers of buds at various depths in the soil. When portions of plants are damaged by cattle, machinery, or freezing, new growth is initiated from buds on undamaged portions of the plant.

We have found that individual kura clover plants can spread to a diameter of three feet over a three year period if it is not competing with other plants (Table 1). In mixtures where there is grass competition, rhizome growth is much reduced. Thus, unlike alfalfa, red clover, or birdsfoot trefoil, kura clover has the ability to "fill in" open patches in a pasture or hay field.

Table 1. Grass competition effects on spread of individual kura clover plants by rhizomes over a three-year period

Treatment Grass species
  Smooth bromegrass Kentucky bluegrass
  Kura clover plant diameter (in)
Killed grass 321 33
Grass 24 21
Grass + N 16 8

1Values are means over three field experiments near Arlington and Lancaster, WI.

Kura clover is a very leafy plant with stem production occurring primarily only in the first spring growth. During the rest of the season leaves are produced from short stems at or near the soil surface. Leaves are usually larger than red clover leaves and have no hairs. Because of the high proportion of leaves in kura clover forage, it is very high quality with protein concentrations ranging between 18 and 25% and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations between 25 and 40% in Wisconsin conditions. We have found forage quality of kura clover to be equal to or greater than other legumes and not very sensitive to harvest management (Table 2).

Table 2. Forage quality of four legumes with two different harvest management systems grown near Arlington, WI.

Legume 3 harvests per year 4 harvests per year
Alfalfa 42 a1 21 b 34 a 24
Red clover 38 a 22 ab 32 b 24
Birdsfoot trefoil 34 b 22 ab 31 b 25
Kura clover 31 b 23 a 30 b 23

1Values within a column followed by the same letter not different at p=0.05.


Kura clover has the reputation of being difficult to establish. The above-ground portion of kura clover seedlings are very slow to develop because much energy is used early for root development. Rapidly growing weeds or grass in existing pastures can be very competitive with developing kura clover seedling and cause stand failures. We have successfully used clipping, grazing, or herbicides for control of weeds or pasture grasses. On an experimental basis we have found that most herbicides compatible with red clover also work with kura clover, however label laws must be followed carefully for commercial applications.

Optimum seeding rates for kura clover are slightly lower than for alfalfa. The year after establishment, forage yield of kura clover sown at 8 or 16 lb/acre was similar at three Wisconsin locations. We have had excellent success with 6 to 8 lb/acre of kura clover seed when sown alone or with grasses. Grasses, except the ryegrasses which are very competitive, can be sown at rates recommended by the extension service for mixtures with legumes. We have had success sowing a small amount of birdsfoot trefoil seed (up to 50%) or red clover seed (up to 10%) with kura clover in order to increase forage yield in the first and second seasons. The birdsfoot trefoil or red clover dies out after a few years and kura fills in.

As with other legumes, kura clover has the capacity to form a symbiotic relationship with bacteria and fix substantial amounts of atmospheric nitrogen into agriculturally useful forms. Kura clover requires a particular strain of rhizobia (different from red clover and alfalfa) for effective nodulation. If the seed is not already inoculated, your seed supplier should be able to provide the rhizobia and instructions on how to apply it. Seed should be planted as soon after inoculation as possible--preferably within hours. Mistakes in handling the inoculant or inoculated seed will surely result in stand failure because the clover will not fix nitrogen and not compete with weeds or other forage plants. Mixtures of nodulated kura clover with grass have yielded the same as grass fertilized with from 150 to 300 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer, depending on grass species.

Kura clover can be grown alone or in mixtures with grass. We have successfully grown it in mixtures with Kentucky bluegrass, smooth bromegrass, orchardgrass and tall fescue. Thus, the grass of choice should be the grass that a producer feels most comfortable with. Since the quality of kura clover is so high, it is not difficult to develop a grazing or hay harvesting system for kura/grass mixtures that results in fiber concentrations low enough for rations of dairy cows. Growing grass with kura clover reduces the incidence of bloat on pasture, brings fiber concentrations up to levels required by ruminants and facilitates harvest and drying of hay or silage.


Kura clover is the most persistent forage legume commercially available for use in Wisconsin. Conditions for winter-kill of alfalfa and red clover in 1994-95 did not affect kura clover (Table 3). The massive rhizome and root system represents a large underground "bud bank" for regrowth to originate from after damage from wheel traffic, animal treading, freezing or other. We have not observed frost heaving in kura clover and this is also probably associated with the extensive rhizome system. The rhizome is also a storage organ for carbohydrates that are used as a source of energy for regrowth and after defoliation.

Table 3. Production of four forage legumes before and after a "test winter" in 1994-1995. Forages were grown near Arlington, WI and harvested four times per season.

Crop 1994 1995 1996 1997
Alfalfa 4.8 a 2.5 2.0 b 2.3 b
Red clover 4.6 a 2.8 1.7 b 2.0 b
Birdsfoot trefoil 3.4 b 3.0 2.3 ab 2.3 b
Kura clover 3.4 b 2.8 2.9 a 3.6 a

Values within a column followed by the same letter are not different at p=0.05.

No significant disease problems are known for kura clover, however some insects (such as potato leafhopper) that damage other legumes also affect kura clover. We have grown kura clover in mixture with grasses and harvested five times per season to a 1.5 inch height for the last 11 years with no sign of decline. Researchers in Minnesota have grazed kura clover for 12 years and those pastures still have an excellent stand of kura clover. Observations from long-term research in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and other parts of the world suggest that, once established, kura clover will be a permanent component of a pasture or hayfield.


The yield potential of a good stand of kura clover is usually about 80 to 90% that of a good stand of alfalfa, based on Wisconsin and Minnesota research (Table 3). The lower yields are related to the large investment that the plant makes to below-ground growth and energy storage, slow regrowth after defoliation, and relatively early onset of dormancy in the autumn. These characteristics that tend to limit yield are also associated with increasing persistence. But because alfalfa, red clover, and birdsfoot trefoil usually succumb to diseases or winter-kill after 2 to 5 years, kura clover performance is superior in the long term (Table 3).

Kura clover is affected little by grazing or harvest frequency of from three to nine times per season. Since regrowth originates from at or below the soil surface, defoliation to ground level is not detrimental to the plant and in fact will result in maximum yields. We have observed encroachment of perennial weeds, especially dandelions, in monoculture kura clover defoliated frequently and to short stubble height.

Mixtures of kura clover and grass can be managed to yield forage of similar fiber (NDF) and crude protein (CP) levels as early flower alfalfa (Table 4). Furthermore, excellent clover persistence results in older stands with similar clover content as younger stands. This is evidence that mixtures have potential to remain stable relative to species composition and forage quality over long periods.

Table 4. Long-term performance of ‘Rhizo’ kura clover monoculture and mixtures with grasses near Arlington, WI. Values presented are means over years one through three and four through six of a long-term trial. Values are averages over three harvest frequencies and two stubble heights.

Treatment Years 1-3 Years 4-6
  Yield Kura NDF CP Yield Kura NDF CP
  T/acre1 --------- % ------- T/acre1 --------- % -------
Kentucky bluegrass/kura clover 2.8 60 41 19 3.3 66 38 19
Smooth bromegrass/kura clover 2.7 48 41 18 3.1 63 37 19
Orchardgrass/kura clover 2.6 44 44 19 2.9 54 40 18
Monoculture kura clover 2.3 100 29 23 2.8 100 30 22

1All harvests were completed by September 1 and autumn growth is not included in these figures.

Excellent legume persistence, even when initiating grazing early in the season (mid-April) and terminating grazing late in the season (mid-September to late October), has resulted in excellent animal performance on kura clover/grass pastures (Table 5). Grasses in these pastures included a mixture of orchardgrass, smooth bromegrass, and tall fescue in addition to minor contributions from others. Pastures containing red clover/grass mixtures in the trial were frost-seeded with three to six pounds of red clover each spring to insure presence of clover but no additional seed was added to the kura clover pastures. Within each pasture system, cattle rotationally grazed six paddocks, making a complete cycle in 21 to 24 days. Greater clover proportions and productivity of the pastures containing kura clover resulted in superior animal performance in individual years and over the three year trial, compared to livestock on red clover/grass pastures.

Table 5. Performance of Holstein steers on clover/grass pastures near Lancaster, WI. Values are means over three years (1998-2000).

Treatment Grazing days Steer days
per acre/year
3-year gain
Kura clover/grass 169 345 2.65 916 2747
Red clover/grass 169 313 2.26 712 2137

In conclusion, persistence of kura clover is unmatched by other legumes in the north central states. Furthermore, the very high forage quality of kura clover provides an opportunity for developing mixtures with grasses and obtaining mixture quality similar to early flower alfalfa. Integration of these factors into a pasture system has resulted in full season steer performance at a level never before achieved in Wisconsin pasture research trials. Kura clover is a legume that deserves consideration for use in forage-livestock systems in the north central states.

Endura kura clover, with the new SuperBugtm kura-specific inoculant is now available through Ampac Seed Company and their distributors. Ampac has also developed a detailed web site on kura clover. For more information contact Ampac Seed at or call 1-888-550-2930.

Company news release

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