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Stine Seed Company reduces prices to help growers deal with depressed ag economy
Adel, Iowa
Nov. 16, 1998

Stine Seed Company announced today that, in light of the current agricultural economic situation, it is reducing its prices on its highest-performing soybean products.

In a statement issued today, Harry Stine, president of Stine Seed Company, said, "The farm economy is experiencing a stressful period. Stine Seed Company would like to offer our support to our dealers and grower-customers by reducing prices on our highest-performing line of products, Stine Specialty Elite Products. For the 1999 season, our Specialty Elite products will
be available at the same price level as our Elite line of products. In addition, Stine will waive the tech fee normally associated with our Specialty Elite seed products to deliver further cost savings to our customers."

The combined effect of these efforts will reduce a bag of Stine Specialty Elite soybean seed by as much as 20 percent for the 1999 growing season. In addition, growers will have the opportunity to plant Stine’s  highest-yielding genetics and reap the benefits of maximum yields while saving money on their seed purchase.

"Stine Seed Company understands that without a strong agricultural economy we all suffer," Stine says. "That’s why we would like to do our part to help growers get the most for their seed purchases."

Prices on Stine Elite soybean products and Stine Roundup Ready® soybean products, which were unchanged from last year, will remain unchanged for the 1999 growing season.

Stine Seed Company, located near Adel, Iowa, is an industry-leading seed company marketing soybeans, corn and soft red winter wheat, and is a leading supplier of soybean genetics to the seed industry.



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