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Seminis Garden is on the Web
Saticoy, California
October 26, 1999

Not only is Seminis Garden the leading developer and marketer of home garden vegetable varieties; they also provide exceptional service and strive to function as an extension of their customers’ business rather than just as a seed supplier.

In today’s world, what better way to prove this than to be posted on the Internet? Therefore, Seminis Garden has teamed up, for the second year, with SeedQuest, an Internet site catering to the seed industry, to feature all new Seminis Garden vegetable varieties for 2000.

The site can be found at: Click on the variety of interest and a full-color photo, complete product description and source list will appear.

For added convenience and advertising and sales power, the source list (with company name, phone, fax and e-mail address) was added this year and includes over 25 retail, mail-order and wholesale suppliers that carry the new varieties. Packet seed wholesalers are not listed since they do not sell directly to gardeners. However, many of these varieties are also available through progressive packet seed suppliers.

To purchase a specific Seminis Garden variety, contact the company of your choice from this list or your regular seed/plant supplier.

Seminis Garden picks up the tab for the service and customers reap the rewards absolutely FREE, which shows that Seminis Garden is indeed working with their customers as an extension of their business.

Company news release


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