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US corn growers continue responsible biotech management

St. Louis, Missouri
January 30,  2001

The nation's corn growers continue their responsible stewardship of crops from biotechnology, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) announced today. 

A recent survey shows corn growers overwhelmingly support insect resistance management (IRM) plans designed to ensure continued effectiveness of Bt corn. 

IRM plans are designed to keep the insects from developing resistance by providing a "refuge" of
conventional corn where susceptible insects can breed. 

Farmers who plant Bt corn are required to plant refuges of at least 20 percent of their acreage with conventional corn in the Corn Belt and 50 percent in the Cotton Belt. 

In the survey, more than 90 percent of the growers said IRM plans are important and believed they
planted an appropriate refuge. 

"The survey confirms that farmers are good stewards of technology and, when given appropriate
information, they will do the right thing," said Fred Yoder, Plain City, Ohio, farmer and chairman of
the NCGA Biotech Working Group. "Now as most farmers put the finishing touches on their 2001
planting decisions, this would be an ideal time to remember the IRM requirements." 

The survey showed 87 percent of growers planted a refuge of 20 percent or more. Another 5 percent of growers planted a smaller refuge, in compliance with previous standards. 

For crop year 2000 growers also were required to plant their refuge within one-half mile of the Bt field or within one-quarter mile if they maintain the option to treat the refuge. The survey showed 82 percent of the growers met this distance requirement. Collectively, 71 percent met both the size and distance requirements. 

The survey covered more than 500 growers in the Corn Belt and Cotton Belt, all of whom planted Bt corn in 2000. An independent marketing research firm conducted the study for the Agricultural
Biotechnology Stewardship Technical Committee (ABSTC), in cooperation with the NCGA. 

ABSTC is a group of companies involved in the research, development and stewardship of ag
biotechnology products. Participating companies include Aventis CropScience USA LP, Dow
AgroSciences LLC, DuPont, Monsanto Co., Mycogen Seeds, Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc. and
Syngenta Seeds Inc. 

Annual survey reports are required under the Bt Corn Industry IRM Plan, developed by ABSTC in
cooperation with NCGA and adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in January 2000. The first of these reports will be submitted to EPA on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2001, following review today by the North Central Regional Research Committee 205, a committee of scientists formed by USDA. 

NCGA and ABSTC member companies are helping corn growers understand resistance management requirements for the 2001 season through: 

* Videotapes and brochures for seed dealers to provide better information on "refuges" of conventional corn that must be planted near fields of Bt corn;
* Increased communications through agricultural media;
* Additional information on the NCGA's website;
* Increased communication through the Extension Service.

For more information about National Corn Growers Association and biotechnology, visit the NCGA
website at

NCGA news release


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