St. Louis, Missouri
August 21, 2000
The National Corn
Growers Association (NCGA) disagrees with the conclusions made by two Iowa State University
entomologists in an abstract from a soon-to-be-published study on the effects of Bacillus thuringiensis
(Bt) corn pollen on Monarch butterflies.
While the research may demonstrate an impact on Monarch larvae under controlled conditions, the
findings do not support the abstract's final conclusion that "transgenic insecticidal crops'' need more
evaluation before being planted over extensive areas, said NCGA Chairman Roger Pine, a
Lawrence, Kansas, corn grower. Pine is a member of the USDA Advisory Committee on
Biotechnology which advises the Secretary of Agriculture on ag biotechnology issues.
First, Pine noted, the scientific findings are nothing new. "The ecological effects are not unexpected,
and are in line with other studies that have been conducted,'' he said.
"Second, these findings were based on research using a single type of Bt, not all Bt traits. The Bt used in this study is already
known to express the insecticide at the highest level in its pollen. Finally, corn hybrids incorporating
this type of Bt trait are not widely planted.''
Pine explained that Bt technology is not nearly as detrimental to butterflies and other non-target
species as some alternative technologies used to control insect pests, and allows farmers to produce
a safe, abundant food supply.
"NCGA fully supports the science-based decision making process currently employed by the EPA
in evaluating and approving Bt technology,'' Pine emphasized. "NCGA supports continued
evaluation of all agricultural production techniques. However, we cannot evaluate these
technologies in a vacuum. We won't stop dead in our tracks, when a single study draws faulty
conclusions from unrelated scientific findings.''
NCGA news release
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