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Gene Logic announces issuance of a U.S. patent covering key gene expression technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland
December 29, 1999

Gene Logic Inc. today announced the issuance of U.S. Patent Number 5,994,068, describing a unique method of nucleic acid indexing for gene expression analysis and other applications important to the Company's genomic database business. The principal inventor on the patent is Dr. Richard A. Guilfoyle, a director of R&D at Gene Logic.

The patented technology enables heterogeneous DNA or RNA populations to be parsed into fractions of manageable size for high throughput physical mapping, genetic mapping or gene expression analyses of whole complex genomes. The methodology permits Gene Logic to analyze genes expressed in all animal tissues at low abundance levels regardless of any prior knowledge of their sequences. This information complements the Affymetrix GeneChip® microarray data captured in the Company's GeneExpress(TM) reference databases, thereby providing complete coverage of the genes expressed in a wide range of normal and diseased human tissues, tissues from experimental animals and cell lines, and tissues treated with many different drugs.

"This newly-issued patent is another addition to our substantial intellectual property portfolio covering the key gene expression technologies in use today,'' said Michael J. Brennan, chief executive officer of Gene Logic. "Beyond gene sequence, gene expression information represents the next massive genomic data set. The utility of this information for the discovery of novel drug targets has been clearly established over the last 18 months; we believe that gene expression data will also inform the processes of drug selection and prioritization, clinical trials and patient management. It will enable the concept of 'molecular medicine' to become a reality. Gene Logic's mission is to develop the core information asset that will make this possible.''

The GeneExpress(TM) reference database suite is the world's most complete survey of gene expression in human and experimental animal tissues for life science applications. GeneExpress is comprised of three modules -- the BioExpress(TM) database, a broad survey of both normal and diseased human tissue samples for target discovery and validation; the ToxExpress(TM) database, a survey of human and experimental animal tissue samples treated with known toxic compounds for predictive toxicology assessment; and the PharmExpress(TM) database, a survey of human and experimental animal tissue samples treated with known therapeutic compounds for optimization of testing and refining of current drug candidates. The unmatched scope and scale of these databases enables researchers to identify and prioritize new drug targets, as well as develop an understanding of the mechanisms of disease, drug toxicity, and therapeutic drug treatment.

Gene Logic uses proprietary technologies to develop large reference databases and custom databases of gene expression information. These databases enable pharmaceutical and life science companies to accelerate the discovery and development of new drugs, diagnostics, and agricultural products. In 1999, Bloomberg Personal Finance ranked Gene Logic one of the ten fastest-growing technology companies in the United States. Gene Logic's customers include: American Home Products Corp.'s Wyeth-Ayerst Research unit; Hoechst Schering AgrEvo GmbH, one of the world's largest agricultural product manufacturers; Japan Tobacco Inc.; Merck & Company Inc.; NV Organon, a pharmaceutical unit of Akzo Nobel NV; Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals; Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Inc.; Schering-Plough Corp.; SmithKline Beecham PLC; UCB Pharma Inc; and Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd.

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