June 15, 1999 As Daehnfeldt, Inc. has expanded its
investment in the flower seed business in North America, it has continued to add
professionals to its staff, including the latest addition, Don MacIntyre.
Don joined the team on March 1 of this year as Product
Manager for North America. As is often the case with small teams, each professional must
play many roles, and Daehnfeldt, inc. is no exception. While his colleagues Tom Linwick
and Russ Schroeder will provide vital support the the product management function, so too
will Don play a supporting role in both sales/customer contact and technical services.
Don earned his MBA in finance at Columbia with honors and
graduated from Bowdoin College. In addition to his marketing expertise, Don has an
extensive background in finance, including several years as a merchant banker, twice being
Chief Financial Officer of manufacturing companies, and acting as advisor to the venture
capital firm Stolberg, Meehan & Scano on two of their recent acquisitions (The
Yofarm Company and The Frozfruit Company).
Nevertheless, his love of flowers and plants keeps drawing
Don back to the flower seed business. When the S&G subsidiary of Novartis was
headquartered in Ft. Wayne, IN, Don played several roles there, including Product Manager
and Operations Manager. This was during a time when S&G was undergoing rapid expansion
and undertaking its first initiative to hold flower seed inventories in North America. At
that time, Don enjoyed the privilege of working with his current colleagues Joe Messer,
Russ Schroeder and Dave Baer.
Daehnfeldt, inc. is excited to add a person with such a broad
and varied background to its team. We see the horticulture industry moving from being a
business of flower lovers to one of professional flower "business people". Don
combines both of these traits. Daehnfeldt continues to lead the way by developing a team
of employees who love their products and help growers profit by using our products.
Company news release
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