Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Seed com growers who want powerful broadleaf weed control without
fear of damaging their crop have a new herbicide option - CONNEC 2OWSP Herbicide
from the Rhone-Poulenc Mature Products Division.
CONNECT is 20 percent bromoxinyl by weight, the same active
ingredient as Rhone-Poulenc corn herbicide BUCTRIL®. It controls a wide spectrum of
broadleaf weeds, including velvetleaf, lambsquarters and kochia - including those that are
Unlike other herbicides, the mode of action of CONNECT is
neither hormonal nor systemic. That means growers don't have to worry about internal
damage, an especially important consideration for seed corn.
Corn treated with CONNECT is also less susceptible to
external damage, or phytotoxicity. And CONNECT tankmixes well with a variety of other
products while still allowing for the addition of surfactants, such as crop oil or
ammonium sulfate.
"We have tested CONNECT in a number of trials and are
very encouraged with the results we've seen," says Don Dirksen, northern regional
manager for the Mature Products Division. "We're excited to have a product like
CONNECT that has the potential to be a real innovation in the seed corn market."
Applied postemergence at a rate of 1.25 lbs./acre, one 5
lb. bag of CONNECT treats four acres, and a case of four bags treats 16 acres. The
water-soluble "pillow" bags are designed to dissolve quickly with proper
agitation, leaving no empty containers.
CON-NECT is a trademark of Rhone-Poulenc Ag Company.
BUCTRIL is a registered trademark of Rhone-Poulenc Ag Company.
Mature Products Division is a business unit of Rhone-Poulenc Ag Company.
Company news release
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