Washington, DC
November 28, 2001
President George W. Bush, in
remarks made to Farm Journal's Sixth Annual Forum in Washington,
DC, emphasized the importance of ethanol to national security,
the environment and the farm economy. After praising farmers for
representing and preserving the values of the United States, the
president gave a strong endorsement of renewable fuels and
encouraged the Senate to pass a national energy bill.
During the pro-ethanol speech, President Bush stated, "I also
want to improve our homeland security and our economy by having
a national energy plan. I want to thank the Farm Journal Forum
for emphasizing the importance of ethanol and biofuels. These
fuels are gentle on the environment. They are fuels that can be
renewed year after year, and fuels that can expand our farm
economy. These fuels are made right here in America, so they
can't be threatened by any foreign power."
President Bush continually reiterated his support for ethanol,
adding, "Ethanol and biofuels are fuels of the future for this
country. Since the beginning of my administration, I have
strongly supported ethanol and biofuels. And the energy plan I
sent to Congress back in the spring supports biofuels."
"President Bush was right on target in his remarks today," said
Boyd Smith, a York, Neb., corn farmer and chairman of the
National Corn Growers Association
Ethanol Marketing Committee. "The president echoed NCGA's long
standing position that renewable fuels -- like ethanol --
promote the national interest, and are good for both the
environment and the economy, while
enhancing our national security."
Noting that one of NCGA's top priorities is inclusion of a
Renewable Fuels Standard in energy legislation, Smith went on to
say, "With support like this from the president we are hopeful
we will see legislation expanding the role of renewable fuels in
our national energy policy."
It is estimated that in 2001, ethanol production will use 675
million bushels of corn, producing nearly 1.8 billion gallons of
the renewable fuel.
For more information on the National Corn Growers Association
and Ethanol, log onto www.ncga.com.
The National Corn Growers Association mission is to create
and increase opportunities for corn growers in a changing world
and to enhance corn's profitability and usage. NCGA represents
more than 32,000 members, 25 affiliated state corn grower
organizations and hundreds of thousands of growers who
contribute to state checkoff programs.
NCGA news release