St. Louis, Missouri
November 27, 2001
Trade Promotion Authority (TPA),
or "Fast Track" as it was previously called, has made frequent
appearances in the headlines lately.
The National Corn Growers
Association (NCGA) has been a
staunch proponent of TPA and is encouraging producers to tell
Congress to give this international marketing tool to President
George W. Bush.
TPA's advocates have discussed the need to grant TPA powers to
the president this year, because the United States has been at a
competitive disadvantage in trade talks since these powers
expired in 1994. For example, U.S. growth in agricultural
exports -- such as the corn and tractor in the background -- are
hampered by high tariffs on U.S. products, which greatly reduce
American access to foreign markets.
NCGA President and Walsh, Colo., corn grower Tim Hume said the
United States is being left behind without TPA.
"Currently, there are more than 130 preferential trade and
investments agreements in the world today," he said, "and due to
lack of trade authority, the United States is only party to two.
"For example," Hume continued, "the European Union (EU) has free
trade agreements set up with 27 different countries, 20 of which
were set up within the last 10 years. As of right now, the EU is
also working on 15 new accords. That's why it is so important
for growers to contact their elected leaders and tell them they
support TPA. We cannot continue to be left behind on the world
NCGA urges corn growers and other U.S. trade supporters to
contact their elected officials supporting support of TPA. To
contact your senator and representatives, click on the Action
Alert on the NCGA web site home page, More information
on NCGA's stance on TPA and other trade issues is available on
the NCGA website at .
The National Corn Growers Association mission is to create and
increase opportunities for corn growers in a changing world and
to enhance corn's profitability and usage. NCGA represents more
than 32,000 members, 25 affiliated state corn grower
organizations and hundreds of thousands of growers who
contribute to state checkoff programs.
NCGA news release