St. Louis, Missouri
October 4, 1999Key among the many
profitability issues facing growers at harvest this fall is uncertainty about the
marketability of biotech corn. The National Corn Growers
Association (NCGA) Biotechnology Task Force is working to assist growers - already
facing rock-bottom prices and extensive drought-related crop losses in many areas - by
providing them with the tools to make informed decisions when they take their harvested
grain to the elevators.
The task force was formed to define the program for an NCGA biotechnology roundtable held
earlier this year in Kansas City. That gathering brought together all corn industry
stakeholders for open dialogue on biotech issues. Since then, the group of grower leaders
has focused on the dynamics of the many biotechnology issues within production
agriculture, while helping growers "Know Where to Go'' with their biotech corn.
"The entire industry has been impacted by divergent issues relating to biotech
corn,'' said NCGA President and Task Force Chairman Lynn Jensen of Lake Preston, S.D.
"We are working to enable growers to continue to have available the technology, yet
protect the growers from bearing the cost of this technology.''
Jensen cited several contributing factors to the tangled biotech web:
- Radical resistance in Europe and Asia to biotech food
- Niche market premiums offered by grain processors for
conventional "genetically enhanced free'' grain.
- Proposed or real processor contracts that place unjustified
liability burdens on the growers.
- Rejection of biotech grain by certain U.S. food processors.
- Misinformation campaigns by activists who oppose technology
and sound science.
- General confusion regarding the issue given these factors.
While NCGA couldn't predict these circumstances when seed
purchasing decisions were made last fall or during planting season this spring, Europe's
failure to approve and accept certain biotech corn hybrids prompted the association to
kick off a more aggressive "Know Before You Grow'' campaign this spring.
This effort, now in its third year, urges growers to read their contracts with the
technology providers and ensure that those hybrids awaiting approval are properly
As issues surrounding biotechnology emerged, NCGA also established a "Know Where to
Grow'' page on its web site,, providing
growers with:
- Statements from major processors regarding their plans for
accepting biotech corn.
- EU approval status of new hybrid seed technologies.
- A list of company corn hybrid numbers awaiting approval in the
European Union (EU).
- A direct link to the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)
web site listing of elevators willing to buy all biotech corn regardless of its approval
- Legal liability contract guidelines for producers by Dr. Neil
Harl, professor of agriculture and
economics at Iowa State University.
"The NCGA biotech task force endorses biotechnology and
the farmer and consumer benefits it offers,'' said Jensen. "In response to the
growing complexity of this multi-faceted issue and some export market resistance to the
proven sound science, we have taken steps to help growers make important grain marketing
decisions. It's key that the grower be well-informed on the issue and their marketing
options. We will continue to stay abreast and communicate this issue as it evolves.''
Steps outlined by the task force include:
- Continuing direct dialogue with all facets of the industry on
this issue, including the technology providers and seed companies.
- Initiating an alliance with other commodity association groups
on issues of mutual concern such as feed trials, consumer acceptance, etc.
- Approving the concept of adopting "grower friendly"
grain contract language as the standard for growers to negotiate corn marketing with
processors, as outlined by Dr. Hal.
- Developing a communications plan that encourages growers to
avoid any contractual language that places the burden of liability on the grower and to
keep them advised on issue developments as they emerge.
- Becoming proactive regarding the issue of tolerance standards
for identifying biotech-free grain.
- Addressing issues as they develop, working closely with and
serve as a resource for state associations.
- Work with processing companies on contract and grower
liability issues.
- Continuing to work closely with industry, academia and
government on insect resistance management (IRM).
- Signing the "Food Chain Principles on Plant
Biotechnology," a collaborative document signed by trade associations representing
all sectors of the food chain stating their support for food biotechnology as a tool that
can improve product quality, increase production efficiency and allow more judicious use
of agricultural chemicals.
"The dust may be settling for harvest, but the confusion
over biotech remains in the air,'' Jensen concluded. "Our goal is to help growers
through that confusion so they can maintain the technology ad make the right marketing
decisions for this year and the right buying decisions for next.''
The National Corn Growers Association mission is to create and increase opportunities for
corn growers in a changing world and to enhance corn's profitability and usage. NCGA
represents more than 30,000 members and hundreds of thousands of growers who contribute to
state checkoff programs.
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