San Diego, California
November 30, 1999
Corporation announced today that its newly formed subsidiary, Akkadix Genetics, Inc.
is acquiring the assets of Maize Genetic Resources, Inc.(MGR), a corn foundation seed
company. The assets acquired include breeding materials, inbred lines and MGRs
proprietary technology for inbred development. The acquired assets, combined with existing
germplasm of Akkadix, will provide a unique and geographically diverse source of genetics
to the seed corn industry. Akkadix Genetics will be headquartered in Columbia, Missouri.
MGRs breeding technology (known as the
PS Technology System) allows for more effective selection from a diverse germplasm
Gary Duncan has been named as the President
of Akkadix Genetics. Mr. Duncan was the former Managing Partner at Rio Grande
Technologies, and a former President of NC+ Seeds. He has 34 years experience in the seed
industry and is currently the Vice-President of the Southern Region of the American Seed
Trade Association.
"The new agricultural technologies are
only as good as the vehicles in which they are delivered" according to Gary
Richardson, President and Chief Operating Officer of Akkadix Corporation. "The
acquisition of MGRs assets will allow us to add to our germplasm genetics base and
help us continue to develop elite and unencumbered germplasm that will provide value on
its own merit."
The acquisition of MGR is part of Akkadix
Corporations strategy to improve the companys access to germplasm, according
to Jerry Caulder, CEO of Akkadix Corporation. "When we set out to build this company,
we knew from the beginning that ownership and/or access to germplasm was an integral part
of putting together a competitive and comprehensive agricultural biotechnology
business." Caulder said. "These assets also ensure that the company will have
access to commercial markets for its biotechnology discoveries."
Gary Duncan notes that the acquired assets
already include a number of lines with excellent combining ability. "We intend to
make our yield data available in the form of an on-line database currently under
development." said Mr. Duncan. "This database will enable anyone to access
direct comparisons of Akkadix Genetics lines against others based on a significant number
of field trials that have been conducted throughout the Corn Belt."
Akkadix Genetics is a supplier of foundation
genetics to the seed industry. The company currently offers proprietary genetics in corn
and has plans for expansion into additonal crops. Akkadix Genetics is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Akkadix Corporation.
Akkadix Corporation is a global agricultural
biotechnology company that uses gene discovery, functional genomics, bioinformatics,
structural biology, combinatorial chemistry and other technologies for the discovery of
novel plant traits that improve health and safety, increase production, reduce costs, help
preserve the environment and create new opportunities for crop production.
Company news release
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