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Field trials indicate Liberty herbicide’s crop safety enhance corn yields
Minneapolis, Minnesota
February 8, 1999

In 149 on-farm field trials conducted across the Midwest in 1998, LibertyLink(R) and warranted hybrids treated with Liberty(R) Herbicide yielded higher in 79 percent of the trials when compared to conventional herbicide programs. The field trials documented an average 5-bushel yield advantage resulting from the crop safety provided by Liberty Herbicide.

The trials compared the crop safety of numerous Liberty Herbicide programs to many popular
conventional herbicide programs. Trial protocols allowed herbicide applications only to
LibertyLink or warranted hybrids to gauge the yield advantage resulting from the crop safety of
Liberty Herbicide.

"A herbicide’s credibility grows in the field," says Jeff Springsteen, Corn Market Manager for
AgrEvo USA Company. "In addition to the hard data we collected this year showing the yield
enhancement resulting from Liberty Herbicide’s crop safety, our customers across the Midwest
were able to see firsthand the healthier appearance of Liberty treated corn in the same fields next
to conventionally treated corn."

Liberty Herbicide kills over 100 broadleaf and grass weeds, allowing many growers to reduce
their overall herbicide expense. Saving input costs initially with Liberty Herbicide adds even more
value to the extra bushels gained at harvest by avoiding yield damaging crop injury.

"The main reasons I plant LibertyLink hybrids are the crop safety and broad-spectrum weed
control of Liberty Herbicide," says Scot Potter, Fulda, MN. "We apply Liberty followed by
cultivation 7 to 10 days later and we’re saving about $10 per acre compared to past herbicide

John Keane of Williams, IA, participated in the trials, planting an NK Bt hybrid with YieldGard¹
that is warranted for use of Liberty Herbicide.

"The Bt protection against pests and the crop safety of Liberty seems to translate into an overall
healthier corn plant," says Keane. "According to the side-by-side herbicide applications in our
field, it also translated into higher yields – 11 bushels higher.

"It is nice going out after applying a herbicide and seeing the corn intact and growing," Keane
adds. "Liberty didn’t put any stress on the corn plants – it just kept growing."

"Seed company research has also demonstrated yield increases versus other herbicide programs," adds Springsteen. "Some of our seed partners have seen yield increases on average of up to 34 bu/acre greater when treating the same hybrid with Liberty versus a herbicide like Lightning(2).

"In addition, LibertyLink hybrids are in more elite genetics than other herbicide traits," says
Springsteen. "In roughly 4,000 Pioneer yield trials conducted in 1998, LibertyLink hybrids
out-yielded competitive Roundup Ready(1) corn hybrids an average of 5.65 bu/acre."

More than 10 million acres of transgenic LibertyLink and warranted seed are available for the
1999 growing season. Stacked traits will again be among the list of an estimated 400 hybrids from more than 100 seed companies that include Pioneer Hi-Bred, Novartis, Garst, Croplan Genetics and Cargill Hybrid Seed.

AgrEvo is a global leader in biotechnology, seeds, crop protection and environmental health. The
company markets globally a wide range of products for enhancing crop production, together with
applications for urban pest control. AgrEvo operates in more than 70 countries with approximately 8,500 employees. For more information on Puma and other AgrEvo products, visit the company’s website at or call the company’s toll-free information line at 1-877-424-7386.

For a free brochure on the 1998 Liberty Yield Trials, call 1-877-GO-LIBERTY. For more information, visit the company’s website at

Liberty and LibertyLink are registered trademarks of Hoechst Schering AgrEvo GmbH

(1) is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company
2. is a registered trademark of American Cyanamid Company



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