Minneapolis, Minnesota
April 12, 1999For more than 50 years,
plant breeders have been searching for more efficient ways to create hybrid corn seed, and
teenagers have been complaining endlessly about the agonies of detasseling corn as a
summer job.
Now AgrEvo has solved both problems.
AgrEvo has launched its SeedLink(R) Pollination Control system for corn. SeedLink combines
new biotechnology approaches with LibertyLink(R) to bring higher levels of quality control
and certainty to seed production. Plus, SeedLink eliminates the need for detasseling and
its associated costs, risks and labor challenges.
In SeedLink, a new gene construct is added to the corn hybrid's female parent line. The
gene produces a protein that prevents development of the pollen nutritive layer within the
anthers (pollen production organs). This renders the plant male-sterile. The protein is
expressed only in this critical layer of cells surrounding the sac where pollen would
normally develop in the plant.
"Farmers and seed companies alike will benefit from better quality seed and improved
seed yields as seed companies begin to adopt SeedLink in 1999," notes Dr. Keith
Newhouse, AgrEvo Market Manager for Corn Biotechnology Products.
SeedLink also reduces the considerable costs of detasseling for corn seed producers,
eliminates potential liabilities involved in using young workers in their fields, and
removes the possibility that tassels will be either missed in the female or removed in
error from the male.
Hybrids produced through SeedLink also will be LibertyLink because the LibertyLink gene
will be present in the male and passed along to all hybrid progeny.
"Liberty(R) Herbicide is used with SeedLink to remove volunteer plants, any seed
mixture off-types and any non-SeedLink plants, as well to provide outstanding weed
control," Dr. Newhouse says. "Using SeedLink with Liberty assures that seed
companies will market hybrids with the quality and uniformity that growers equate with
optimum performance."
Corn seed companies adopting SeedLink will display a SeedLink logo on the seed bags.
SeedLink lines will be used to produce hybrid seed in 1999 for planting by growers in
2000. SeedLink is another example of the benefits from biotechnology that AgrEvo brings to
production agriculture.
"The USDA review of SeedLink has been completed and non-regulated status is scheduled
for April 22," says Dr. Newhouse. "This clears the way for SeedLink Corn
commercialization in the United States."
AgrEvo is a global leader in biotechnology, seeds, crop protection and environmental
health. The company markets globally a wide range of products for enhancing crop
production, together with applications for urban pest control. AgrEvo operates in more
than 70 countries with approximately 8,500 employees. For more information, visit the
company's website at www.us.agrevo.com
Liberty and LibertyLink are registered trademarks and SeedLink is a trademark of Hoechst
Schering AgrEvo GmbH.
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