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LibertyLink InVigor hybrid canola available in 1999
Minneapolis, Minnesota
April 12, 1999

InVigor(R) 2373 hybrid canola, which is resistant to Liberty(R) Herbicide, will be available in limited supply in North Dakota and Minnesota in 1999, according to AgrEvo USA Company.

In November, the Environmental Protection Agency approved a Section 18 specific exemption for use of Liberty Herbicide on LibertyLink(R) canola in North Dakota and Minnesota for the 1999 planting season. Liberty is a broad-spectrum herbicide labeled to control over 40 broadleaf weeds and grasses. Liberty Herbicide offers a unique mode-of-action and convenient post-emergent weed control.

"InVigor 2373 hybrid canola will offer farmers the benefits of biotechnology and the latest in plant breeding," says Mark Haugland, Northern Region District Manager for AgrEvo USA Company. "InVigor 2373 establishes quickly with vigorous early season growth, matures uniformly and offers consistently higher yields than open-pollinated varieties.

"This hybrid canola will allow growers to achieve outstanding post-emergent weed control with Liberty Herbicide," Haugland adds. "Because the gene for resistance to Liberty Herbicide is inserted in all LibertyLink canola, growers can enjoy excellent crop safety when applying Liberty."

Liberty Herbicide will be available through retail centers and distributors for the 1999 growing season, as allowed under Section 18 provisions. InVigor 2373 along with LibertyLink Phoenix canola, which is an open-pollinated variety, will be available in North Dakota and Minnesota in 1999. InVigor 2373 and LibertyLink Phoenix canola will be available through Harvest States Cenex / Land-O-Lakes retail centers and Cargill Hybrid Seed locations.

AgrEvo is a global leader in biotechnology, seed, crop protection and environmental health. The company markets globally a wide range of products for enhancing crop production, together with applications for urban pest control. AgrEvo operates in more than 70 countries with approximately 8,500 employees.



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