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New potted gerbera "Flori Line®" F1 hybrid, by Florist de Kwakel B.V.

Kudelstaart, Holland
October 3,  2001

Since 1975 Florist de Kwakel B.V. has been active in selection, breeding and multiplication of Gerbera for cut flower production. Next to this activity, Florist de Kwakel B.V. runs a special selection and breeding department for pot gerbera. In this department Florist works continuously on optimisation of the pot plant assortment. Many years of breeding have lead to the development of an improved range of pot gerbera varieties. These new pot gerbera lines are presented under the name "Flori Line®" F1 hybrid.

Pot gerbera is a product with a long tenability, variation in colours and compact plant habits. This has been acknowledged by pot plant growers around the world, who have taken up pot gerbera in their assortment. As a supplier of plant material (pot gerbera seeds and seedlings) the selection and breeding department of Florist de Kwakel B.V. is implementing continuous innovation in this particular market segment. Since the 1980’s this resulted in several successful Floripot® pot gerbera lines.

Because "development never stops" and the market demands for new and improved products, Florist de Kwakel B.V. developed a new line F1 hybrid pot gerbera varieties, which can be ordered now. These new pot gerbera varieties have been named Flori Line®. The major characteristics whereupon these new generation Flori Line F1 hybrid pot gerbera varieties have been selected are:

  • Homogeneity in colour

  • Homogeneity in plant habits

  • Number of flower per plant

  • Flower quality

  • Short cultivation period

Trials have already shown very promising results and Florist de Kwakel B.V. likes to share her enthusiasm with growers around the world.

Additional information on Flori Line is also digitally available.

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